
The strangely late summer buds of the Hamptons

A monarch butterfly among the flowers is an eye-catcher for the whole family
A monarch butterfly among the flowers

I was quite alarmed when I saw that the trees and shrubs did not start to put out their summer leaves until May 1st. In previous years it always started on April 15th.

How unfortunate. It’s a tremendous effort for nature to do this everywhere every year. And it takes time. With the hordes of summer visitors arriving on Memorial Day and fully expecting to see the Hamptons lush and green, I don’t know if it can be done successfully after starting so late.

I am writing this on Saturday, May 11th. Last week was unseasonably cold. That makes it even worse.

There must be something we can do. There is still a week left. Perhaps prayers, silent encouragement and gentle cheering will help. It is worth a try. As you drive through the city, please send out positive energy to the nature around you – to the bushes, trees, flowers, deer, foxes, bees and birds. Perhaps that can make a difference.

Whether the effort was successful, partially successful, or a dismal failure in some woodland areas, when Memorial Day weekend comes, please write to your local authorities, religious leaders, and event planners so that something like this doesn’t happen next year. Remember, March comes like a lion and goes like a lamb. That means be ready on April 1st. Or at worst, April 15th.

Conduct an investigation this year and hold those responsible to account. This must never happen again.