
“I was only 19,” shocks Erika in “She’s on Top”: My partner raped me when I was pregnant

"I was only 19 years old"Erika shocked in

The contestant of “She’s on Top”, Erika, has decided to tell the public a very personal story from her life. She confessed that at the age of 19 she started a relationship with a boy with whom she later became engaged.

During their engagement she became pregnant and he lived outside Albania during that time and began to become jealous.

Erika then decided to go to his place, where the violence began. She revealed that she pushed him and pointed the knife at him while she was holding the baby in her arms. After this incident, she filed for divorce and returned to her parents’ house.

Erika has a message for all girls who find themselves in such a situation: “There is nothing wrong with being a single mother and starting a new life.”

Erica’s story:

My story begins when I was 19 years old and I was in a relationship with a girl. This relationship lasted almost 3 years and a child was born from the relationship. The story is a bit difficult. At first it started well, like any relationship. I worked as a waitress in a bar where he came every day. One fine day he asked me out. I liked him, he seemed like an interesting guy and as a young girl I said “why not”. Both sides agreed and we started getting to know each other. Everything was fine, very nice, we continued our normal relationship.

Until we decided to take things a little more seriously and get engaged. At the beginning he was very cautious, he gave me a lot of love, time, devotion, attention, everything a woman needs, especially respect. After our engagement I lived with his family for three months. During that time I got pregnant. Then he ran away and told me that I was going to get pregnant. During the time I was pregnant I returned to my family. Since he ran away I felt more comfortable at home. The first conflicts started because of jealousy issues.

Eventually, the moment came when I decided to run away to him. My ex-partner’s clothes, hair and basic things were jealous. He always told me: “Why are you wearing that short dress, why are those pants so tight?”. These became insults, things that made me change my opinion about my partner. It brought out something I had never experienced before when we were still in a relationship. I also had a child in my belly, I had to be calmer during that time. At the moment when he should have been closer to me and calmer, he started showing a completely different side than the one I knew. He also told me: “You don’t have the child with me.”

I decided to go to that person even though my family didn’t agree. I left school and everything to go to him because he lived in Italy. I said that he would change when he became a father, like any woman who thinks the best for her child and will not raise the child without a father. The moment I went there, all kinds of bad things started, up to physical violence, even when I was pregnant. I didn’t tell anyone about it, about the violence I experienced, because I didn’t want to disturb my family or his. There were two families in between, it wasn’t just me and him, there was also, above all, a child. When I saw that this thing was continuing, I knew I had to end it.

In the period after the baby was born, there were two occasions when I said, “Stop, this is not working as a relationship.” The first time was when he pushed me with the child in my arms and the second time was when he pointed the knife at me. The first thing my parents said to me when I told them was, “You always left our door open, take your child and come to your house.” They raised my child as if they were their own. I filed for divorce because he didn’t want it. I decided to break up and told him, “There is no turning back.” I don’t want my child to grow up tomorrow or the day after and be a bad man, especially for a woman.”

Erika, she is upstairs