
TV presenter left covered in blood after bizarre accident: Laura Woods speaks out

Glass splinters injured Laura Woods in a family accident.

Laura Woods, a well-known British television personality, was recently hospitalized following a bizarre accident while on vacation. In an Instagram update on May 17, Woods, a presenter who appears on ITV and TNT Sports, shared that she was taking a short break from her on-camera duties after her face and arm were cut by shards of glass from a broken lampshade.

“I just wanted to explain why I haven’t been watching TV for a while to be completely transparent and avoid speculation. I had an accident at a vacation home last weekend,” Woods wrote on Instagram. “I swung a pillow and hit a large glass lampshade hanging from the ceiling above me. It shattered and injured my face and arms, but luckily missed my eye.”

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She shared several bloody images on Instagram, as well as a picture of the lampshade before it shattered. In the caption, she thanked several people who helped her, including medical staff and her partner. Love Island Alum Adam Collard.

“I wanted to say a few thanks, first of all to Adam, who was my hero that day, acted so quickly and hasn’t left me since, and to his family, who took care of me when I was petrified with fear,” she wrote. “To my agents Alex Maguire and Matthew Odonohue at CAA, who immediately sought the best help. To Dr. Yannis Alexandrides and his wonderful medical assistant Zuzanna at 111, who opened their emergency room and came on their days off. They were so gentle and have already performed miracles that I didn’t think it was possible to limit the damage.”

The TV star continued: “I’ve added the photos from then until now to show that even though it looks bad, it’s already a wonderful improvement and I’m so grateful. It was a hell of a shock and I was a bit sad but I’m very happy it wasn’t worse. So a big thank you to my eyebrow too, which took the brunt of it (laughing emoji).”

Woods said she would “be back soon,” and she kept that promise. As the picture above shows, she was back in front of the camera on June 1.

In the comments, she joked that the “pillow got off lightly in the ordeal.” More seriously, she also dismissed a completely uncalled-for speculation that she made up the glass incident to cover up an incident of domestic violence. Woods criticized the Instagram commenter’s remark, saying it was “a stupid and irresponsible comment.”