
Newsflash • Frederick Police Department releases fiscal year 24-27 St

The Frederick Police Department is proud to announce the release of our new strategic plan, which outlines key goals and objectives for fiscal years 2024-2027. This comprehensive plan reflects the department’s commitment to serve and protect the Frederick community with dedication and excellence.

As Frederick continues to experience rapid growth and become the fastest-growing city in Maryland’s fastest-growing county, the Frederick Police Department recognizes the importance of strategic planning to meet the changing needs and challenges in our community. The FY24-27 strategic plan focuses on four key objectives Improving safety, promoting community trust, improving recruitment, training and succession planning, and ensuring the well-being of our workforce.

“Our strategic plan serves as a guide for our actions and initiatives over the next three years,” said Chief Jason Lando. “It reflects our commitment to improving the safety and quality of life for everyone in our community, including residents, visitors, businesses and our own employees who work hard every day to protect and serve this great city.”

The strategic plan development process included extensive community consultations, internal workshops and input from various stakeholders. Chief Lando established the Chief’s Community Advisory Board to gather insights from community members in the business, education, faith and nonprofit sectors. Additionally, internal workshops were conducted with sworn and professional staff to gather perspectives and ensure alignment with departmental goals.

The plan is divided into five phases: community consultation, mission and vision refinement, goal identification and planning, review and adoption, and implementation and evaluation. Each phase was carefully crafted to ensure thorough consideration of community feedback, department priorities and law enforcement best practices.

“We are excited to share our strategic plan with the community and stakeholders,” said Chief Lando. “This plan represents our commitment to transparency, accountability and continuous improvement as we strive to provide the best possible service to the Frederick community.”

The Frederick Police Department encourages community members to explore the process behind the new strategic plan on our website. Visitors can learn more about the department’s goals, objectives and initiatives for the coming years by viewing the complete FY24-27 Strategic Plan (PDF).

For more information, please contact PIO Samantha Long at [email protected] or 240-586-0462.