Pune: Samartha police have arrested three persons for assaulting an autorickshaw driver and stealing money from his pocket and damaging five vehicles in Mangalwar Peth area on Tuesday.
The accused later brandished weapons in public to spread fear. Shahrukh Fayyaz Khan, 29, of Sadananadnagar in New Mangalwar Peth lodged a complaint and police filed charges under sections 392, 427 and 34 of the Indian Penal Code and sections of the Criminal Law Amendment Act against the accused, police officials said.
According to Sub-Inspector Saurabh Mane, the accused beat the complainant, who was talking with his friends. The accused demanded money, hit him with iron rods and robbed him of cash worth ₹750. Later, they damaged three autorickshaws and two two-wheelers with iron rods and waved their weapons in public. No arrests have been made so far.