
Families of victims of attacks on displaced people in Congo mourn their dead

Families of victims of the bombings in two refugee camps in eastern Congo last week that killed at least 16 people mourned their loved ones at a ceremony in the city of Goma

GOMA, Congo – Families of victims of last week’s bombings at two displaced persons camps in eastern Congo gathered at a ceremony Monday evening to mourn their loved ones. During the ceremony in the city of Goma in North Kivu province, mourners sang and lit candles in memory of the deceased.

According to the United Nations, at least 18 people were killed and another 32 injured in the bombings in the Mugunga and Lac Vert refugee camps. It was not clear what type of explosive was used in the attacks. Most of the victims were women and children.

Alimeti Kigiho, who survived the attack, had sought refuge from the long war in eastern Congo in Mugunga refugee camp in February, but was rocked by explosions as he went to fetch water. He ran back to his tent, where he found the bodies of his wife and two young children, ages 6 and 2, in pieces.

“The war took everything from me,” Kigiho, 45, told the Associated Press.

The Congolese army and a rebel group called M23 have blamed each other for the bombings. The March 23 Movement, or M23, is an insurgent military group made up primarily of ethnic Tutsis that broke away from the Congolese army twelve years ago.

The decades-long conflict in eastern Congo has led to one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. More than 100 armed groups are fighting in the region, most of them over land and control of mines containing valuable minerals. Some are fighting to protect their communities. Many groups are accused of mass killings, rape and other human rights violations.

The violence has displaced some seven million people, including thousands living in makeshift camps like those attacked last week. Many others are beyond the reach of help.

Justine Joza Bushashire lost her 19-year-old son Daudi in the bombings. Before the attacks, he sold cell phone chargers in the camp to support his family.

“He wanted to join the army, I was against it because I relied heavily on him, but today he is gone,” Justine, 37, said through tears.

The attacks led some residents of the camp to consider returning to their homes, despite the dangers that led them to flee in the first place.

Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi accuses neighboring Rwanda of destabilizing Congo by supporting the M23 rebels. UN experts and the US State Department also accuse Rwanda of supporting the rebels. Rwanda denies the claims.

Some of the mourners at Monday’s ceremony criticized President Tshisekedi and the international community for failing to end the long-running conflict.

“If he cannot end this war, he should resign,” Bienfait Bonane, a youth from Goma, told the Associated Press.