
Have the bishops ever met a rapist whom they did not support?

Photo source: Flickr Creative Commons, by Andy/Andrew Fogg

Have the Catholic bishops ever met a rapist they did not support?

There is a sin that breaks the authority of bishops like a crystal vase that shatters when it falls to the ground. That sin is their dirty, stubborn, multi-generational love affair with the sadistic sexual perverts who delight in rape.

Since our investigation, Catholic bishops have covered, enabled, and sometimes participated in the rape of church children in nearly every diocese and location around the world. They used the full power of their office, as well as the authority, political influence, and international standing of the Church as a city-state, to do this, cover it up, and continue to do it.

Even today, after the insincere “apologies” made with all the narrow-mindedness and offended spite of a bunch of embarrassed house cats, news of bishops covering up abuse, blaming and shaming victims, and even committing such abuse themselves continues to emerge.

They’re not sorry. Just like any other guilty but not sad criminal, they are just doing what they have to do to get out of the box because they got caught.

Why do I think that? Because they continue to do it, right in public and with every bit of arrogant bullying their pointy hats will allow. The difference is that now they are doing it in the political sphere.

The most glaring, but certainly not the only, example is Donald Trump.

Everyone – and I mean all – has long known that Donald Trump is a woman-hating, little-girl-ogling, incest-teasing serial sexual predator. Trump appeared on national television shows and “joked” about having sex with his own daughter before he even ran for office.

During his first election campaign, he verbally insulted and humiliated women. We all heard the tape of him joking about physically abusing women. At least 26 women came forward to say he physically assaulted them. Almost all of the women didn’t even know Trump when he attacked them.

He didn’t just mean putting your hand on a woman’s shoulder. And they didn’t say he did that. He talked about ramming his fingers into the vagina of a woman he had just seen in a bar or even on the street once.

Now E Jean Carroll has finally brought him to trial and he has been found guilty of sexual abuse by a jury. They found him not guilty of rape because New York law defines rape as a man inserting his penis into a woman’s vagina against her will, and she testified that she wasn’t sure whether Trump was his finger or his penis have used.

An appeals court made it clear: Trump had raped E. Jean Carroll.

Now we hear about his sordid sexual affair with a porn star and his reward for silencing her so he can win the 2016 election. Stormy Daniels testified about this in court yesterday. She said, among other things, that Trump told her she looked like his daughter, returning to his incest thing.

Trump is a rapist. He’s a sexual pervert who hung out with Jeffrey Epstein and joked about wanting to have sex with his own daughter.

But the bishops supported him as best they could in his presidential campaign. The bishops were not the only ones. We saw nuns in full orders dating back centuries appearing at the Republican National Convention and speaking on behalf of this rapist. Father Frank (who has since been laicized) supported Trump right up to Trump’s attempted coup to make himself America’s first unelected dictator.

I personally was told by a priest that I couldn’t be Catholic if I didn’t vote for Trump.

Is this what Catholicism is all about? Vote for Trump? Vote for a rapist?

This is such ridiculous, intimidating, insane crap, I have no words to describe it.

I was so hurt, stunned and angry that I was at a loss for words when this priest said that to me. I didn’t say anything back to him and I’ve been annoyed by my silence ever since. But I say now what I should have said then. Anyone who says rape is okay thinks so not – repeat NOT – speak in the name of Jesus Christ. They speak for Satan.

Let me repeat that. Anyone who tells you that rape is okay and that you are committing a “grave” sin or are not a Catholic if you don’t vote for a rapist for president is absolutely not speaking for Jesus Christ. They speak for Satan and channel him.

I won’t follow them, and neither should you.

This doesn’t mean you have to leave the church or stop believing in Jesus. Anyone who supports rape and rapists has nothing to do with Jesus.

In its 2,000-year history, the church has had popes who instructed faithful Catholics to burn “heretics” at the stake. Many of our Catholic bishops bowed to Hitler. Pinochet had his whore priests, as did the terrorists who slaughtered Archbishop Romero. Putin had his patriarch Karill, the Inquisition had Torquemada. All of these examples had and have two things in common:

1. These fallen bishops and priests used and are using their office in the name of political power and

2. They spoke for Satan and not for Christ.

Rape is a direct attack on the Mother of God, on motherhood. It’s satanic.

Catholic bishops are not the only Christian religious leaders who have embraced Trump and the Republican Party. Almost all of evangelical Protestantism has virtually eliminated the Gospels and the Ten Commandments from their teachings in this man’s name.

You can’t be Jesus’ man and Trump’s boy at the same time. You can’t serve two masters.

One cannot be a follower of Christ and a supporter of rape at the same time. You either follow Christ or you follow Satan. And rape is Satan’s direct attack on the life force that women carry and represent.

One cannot be pro-life and attack the vitality of motherhood at its source by supporting rape. You can’t do it. You can be against abortion. But anti-abortion advocates supporting rape are just sadistic misogyny in its rawest and most hateful form. It is merely a clever satanic manifestation of the culture of death in a provocative disguise.

Bishops who support rape and rapists hate women. Not only do they not care that women are raped, tortured, and murdered, they support, defend, praise those who do these things, and in this case elect them to the presidency.

When Jesus hung on the cross, he did so for both women and men. One cannot hate and despise the female half of humanity without also despising the sacrifice of the cross and without hating and despising the image of God in which women were created.

Have the Catholic bishops ever met a rapist they did not support?