
India lets its daughters down once again: School principal allegedly rapes 15-year-old, minor attempts suicide

In a disturbing incident recently, a school principal was booked for allegedly raping a student in Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh. A video of the horrific incident in which the school principal, identified as Devendra Kumar Mishra, sexually assaulted the student went viral on social media last week and the minor reportedly attempted to commit suicide after watching the video.

The girl’s relatives filed a complaint with the Kokhraj police station under sections 376 (rape), 323 (intentional assault), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), as well as under the provisions of the IT Act and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.

The headmaster is said to have fled soon after the FIR was filed and police officials are trying to look out for him. The boy who allegedly shared the video on social media has been arrested by the police. The minor victim is now recovering from injuries sustained in a collision with a train.

The rising number of disturbing crimes against women in India seemed to have somehow dulled our collective consciousness of late. However, an incident like this jolts us back to the grave reality. The supposedly safe places that parents entrust their daughters to learn and grow are turning out to be yet another place of abuse. This is not just another unfortunate incident, but a wake-up call for all of us.

While the incident is deeply disturbing, its long-term impact cannot be underestimated. The consequences are far-reaching and multifaceted, affecting not only the victim, but also fellow students, the educational environment and society as a whole.

A traumatic future for the victim

Shortly after the video of the school principal committing the indecent act surfaced on social media, the minor reportedly attempted to commit suicide by jumping in front of a train. This tragic act speaks volumes about the serious impact of sexual assault. According to Sneha Dev, clinical psychologist at Cogniable The Child, “The victim is likely to suffer from severe psychological trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. This can impact emotional development and general well-being. Attacks by an authority figure, such as a school principal, can lead to a deep distrust of authority figures and educational institutions. It also impacts the victim’s social and emotional development.”

Fears among classmates and parents

An incident like this can easily cause other students to feel fear and anxiety about school authorities. Trust in teachers and principals, who are normally seen as protectors, is shattered in an instant. Parents also lose faith in the safety of schools and the well-being of their children at an educational institution. This fear can also deter parents from sending their daughters to school, potentially leading to greater educational disparities in the country.

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Loss of trust in educational institutions

An incident of this nature can undermine society’s trust in the educational institutions as a whole and foster a sense of distrust towards authority figures such as school principals and teachers. In essence, such criminal acts can shake the foundation of trust that holds societies together.

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Even if the legal system can severely punish the perpetrator, we wonder if that is enough. We have failed our daughters once again, and they may now be afraid to go to school or other educational institutions, if they were not already afraid to venture out onto the streets.