
Trump calls on Biden to remove ad calling dead soldiers ‘morons’ and ‘losers’

Donald Trump on Sunday called on President Joe Biden to remove an attack ad that contains a series of quotes attributed to the Republican mocking dead soldiers.

The former president’s demand came the same day Biden honored fallen soldiers during a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France, the burial site Trump did not visit in 2018 despite reportedly calling the site “full of losers.” Trump has since denied that remark – and another in which he reportedly called more than 1,800 Marines “suckers” for being killed -. The Atlantic first published his alleged words in 2020.

Those denials continued on Sunday, first at a rally in Las Vegas. “He said I stood at soldiers’ graves and said, ‘These people are suckers and losers, the dead soldiers of World War I,'” Trump said, referring to Biden. He went on to claim the whole episode was “made up” and even though the Biden team knew it was “false,” “they still ran an ad using that — these are sick people.”

Trump was apparently referring to an attack ad that Biden’s campaign ran on Friday during the president’s visit to Normandy for celebrations marking the 80th anniversary of the U.S. Navy landings in Normandy. The video included the alleged quotes “sucker” and “loser” as well as an audio recording of Trump mocking the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who was considered a “war hero” for being captured during the Vietnam War. “I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump added.

“Donald Trump knows nothing about serving his country,” says a post on Biden’s X-account containing the clip.

At the rally in Las Vegas, Trump accused his political opponents of making up stories about him in order to get elected. “Unless you’re a psychopath or a crazy person or a very stupid person, who would even say something like that?” Trump said, referring to the comments “moron” and “loser.”

He also dished out the “geniuses” who had advised him to simply not mention the allegation. “It just doesn’t go away, I have to mention it,” Trump told his supporters. “I don’t like to mention it. But for me to say ‘suckers and losers’ in front of military personnel about people who died in World War I? You just can’t say that.”

Trump’s anger over the matter continued in two Truth Social posts on Sunday. He dismissed the claim that it was a case of “losers and suckers” as “another Democrat disinformation ‘hit job'” and said only “a pervert with a score to settle would suggest that someone would make such a statement.”

“They even turned those horrible words into an ad, which shows how desperate they are,” the post continued. “No president, especially ‘dumb as a rock’ Joe Biden, has done more for our military than DONALD J. TRUMP. The military hates Crooked Joe and all the failures he represents. Take down the fake ad, Joe, and stop the unprecedented use of ‘justice’ as a weapon against your political opponent.”

In another post, he again claimed that he “never said dead soldiers were ‘losers and suckers.'” “Whenever you hear this despicable FALSE statement, remember that it comes from the FASCIST scum that is destroying our country,” he wrote.