
The distraught father of a six-year-old daughter who died in a strange badminton accident tells harrowing details about the day of her death

The father of a six-year-old girl who died in a bizarre badminton accident has revealed heartbreaking details of the day she died, including her poignant final diary entries.

Lucy Morgan died on June 5, just days after suffering the traumatic brain injury during a family vacation in Maine.

Her father, Pastor Jesse Morgan, had been documenting her struggle since she was flown by helicopter to Maine Medical Center in Portland.

Tragically, she died a short time later surrounded by her family, who had gathered at her bedside to sing her favorite song.

Now the distraught father revealed that he, his wife Bethany and their three other children were so overwhelmed by grief that they could not return to their own home.

The father of 6-year-old Lucy Morgan, who died in a freak badminton accident, has revealed more heartbreaking details about the day of her death, including her poignant final diary entries
Father Jesse Morgan revealed that he, his wife Bethany and their three other children were so overwhelmed with grief that they could not return to their own home

“When we got home, there were flowers on our doorstep and our fridge was full of groceries. But the entrance was the hardest part,” he wrote on his blog.

“We just sat on the front steps crying for a while until I finally got the courage to open the door.

“We broke down again and lay as a family on the kitchen floor, crying more than ever before.”

The deeply religious family has found comfort in their faith as they cope with the loss, and Morgan said his daughter asked her mother just weeks before her death how she could be “saved.”

“Even though I was convinced that she was still young and might not understand and that she had only the faith of a mustard seed, Bethany could not shake off her fear and doubts,” he explained.

“Then we opened her backpack and found her prayer journal, which Bethany had given her exactly one month ago, the day she died.”

The pages contain confessions of Lucy’s faith, pictures, and a heartbreaking final drawing, which, according to her sister Shiloh, shows Mary and Martha weeping over the body of Lazarus.

In the biblical story, Lazarus of Bethany is brought back to life by Jesus four days after his death.

But they found comfort in their faith and that of their daughter, which was expressed in the last diary entries. They believe that this picture represents the resurrection of Lazarus
Lucy had asked her mother for help weeks before her death to be “saved”
The young family was enjoying an idyllic lakeside vacation in Maine when the tragedy struck

“This last picture is the icing on the cake. The significance of it being the very last thing she drew in her diary cannot be underestimated,” Morgan said. “It’s hard to put into words how deeply this touches me.”

Yet he remained steadfast in his honesty about the brutality of the situation as he described his wife’s agony on the day Lucy died.

“On June 4, the morning of the day Lucy’s death was predicted, it was very difficult to distinguish the moaning and crying I heard from Bethany at 3 a.m. from the one I heard on the morning of September 4, 2017, when Bethany gave birth to Lucy,” he wrote.

“The pain of a mother in this situation is so incredibly unique, difficult and, frankly, awe-inspiring to witness.”

He described how agonizing it was for him to explain the situation to Lucy’s three younger siblings.

But also her attempts to find light in the darkness by doing some of her favorite activities, including playing games together.

The family was enjoying an idyllic holiday when the accident happened, he explained on his blog.

“Bethany and I were relaxing in the back when we heard screaming,” he said.

Lucy was flown by helicopter to Portland, where she went into cardiac arrest while surgeons removed part of her skull to relieve pressure on her brain.
The four children had been kayaking and enjoying themselves outdoors for a week before the accident.

“Due to a bizarre accident involving a racket that broke during the downswing, a sharp piece penetrated Lucy’s skull while she was sitting on the sidelines, causing a catastrophic injury.”

Lucy immediately became unresponsive and was taken to hospital, where she later died.

Her funeral will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. ET and will be streamed live on

A GoFundMe campaign has been set up to support the family.