
Heastie says he will vote ‘yes’ on Medical Assistance in Dying Act

One of the bills still on the books in Albany is the so-called medical aid in dying law, which has been circulating at the state Capitol for about 10 years. If passed, it would allow terminally ill people to take a cocktail of deadly drugs prescribed by their doctors. It’s one of several bills that are being clogged in these final frenzied days of the legislative session.

More information on the law here and here.

According to Corinne Carey, senior campaign director for Compassion and Choices, there are more than enough votes for passage in the Assembly, including Speaker Carl Heastie. Capital tonight confirmed that Heastie acknowledged he would vote for the bill with the president’s spokesperson and bill-sponsoring Assembly member Amy Paulin.

One sticking point appears to be the state Senate. According to a Senate spokesperson, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins ​​has discussed the bill with the press and does not oppose it, but does not believe the votes are there.

But according to Carey, while the bill has only 22 co-sponsors in the Senate, she has between 33 and 35 “yes” votes in that chamber.

Carey says one problem is that some lawmakers are uncomfortable discussing death and dying.

“(But) how do you compare your discomfort as a legislator with that of a nurse sitting next to a patient begging for relief,” Carey asked rhetorically.

Another problem is the last-minute introduction of congestion pricing into the mix, which has sucked a lot of oxygen out of an already busy week.

“People are so angry about congestion pricing,” Carey said. Capital tonight.