
Will Ava Jerome be killed on General Hospital?

Who will kill Ava? Jerome GH

Source: ABC screenshot

This week, General Hospital was all about the feuds! Ava seems to be putting herself in a dangerous position, and the week ended with Jason shooting assassins. Tensions seem to be building to an explosive climax. That’s not a bad thing, as some of these storylines need to be wrapped up!

Take care, Ava!

In one episode alone, Alexis, Joss, and Nina clashed with Ava, with Alexis vowing to regret setting the ball rolling for her firing. Add in several of Sonny’s former family members – all of whom are now traitors – who don’t particularly like Ava’s influence on him, and you have the perfect setting for a “Who shot Ava Jerome?” story. While I don’t think Ava or Maura West are going anywhere, she’s making enemies like no one else except Sonny at this point. Plus, there has to be a deeper reason why the writers are suddenly having Ava burn so many bridges.

Ava yells at Alexis GH

The tears continued to flow

Last week I wrote how every day on General Hospital was a tearjerker after Gregory’s death. The tears continued a bit more this week as Alexis and Finn leaned on each other, Tracy stopped by to check on Chase and Brook Lynn, and Gregory’s will was read. Tracy and Chase’s conversation was exceptionally well written and acted, and the development of Tracy’s “feelings” and how she becomes “nice” over the course of this storyline was one of the best parts of it. Although for a moment during Finn and Alexis leaning on each other, I did wonder if the drama with Liz might make the writers consider giving Finn and Alexis another chance?

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Finn is so sorry, GH

Finn put on his big boy pants and apologized to Liz for his total mental breakdown and vowed never to drink again. When she checked on Finn later, all seemed forgiven and understood, but it feels like there was a power disturbance in their relationship. After Chase and Finn’s conversation and his defense of his brother to Liz, his overconfidence that Finn will never drink again seems like a major red flag. I can imagine Finn reaching for the bottle after Gregory’s memorial service… As I said last week, the writers seem to be using Gregory’s death to shake up this very boring couple.

Sonny vs. the World, Episode 105

Once again, Sonny won’t be charged for the crimes he committed. There seems to be a silver lining to him beating up Dex: He now claims he’s done with Dex, calling him a distraction and a waste of time, and has bigger problems to deal with. And that problem, predictably, was Jason. Friday ended with hitmen being sent to take out Jason, and it really looked like Sonny sent them. But did he? Brennan could have, because as Cates said on Friday, his trial seems to be being delayed by his lawyers, as if he’s waiting for something big to happen. And while Brennan promised Carly he wouldn’t hurt Jason, the wily spy didn’t outright say no one would hurt him. We’ll just have to wait until Monday to find out!

Jason is shot in the GH

I could actually get on board with the idea of ​​Sonny becoming so manic that he tries to kill Jason himself, and Jason being forced to protect himself and hunt Sonny down. Of course Jason wouldn’t kill him, but it would be worth watching! Plus, Sonny would probably end up in the hospital where they could finally figure out that his meds aren’t at the right dosage. It’s still a mystery to me why no one is pushing that hard! Honestly, this manic Sonny storyline and the Pikeman storyline that goes with it need to be wrapped up. It’s gone on far too long! And it needs to be wrapped up in a way that involves Brennan leaving Pentonville because he and Carly are oddly compatible. It was hilarious that he was giving her spy advice.

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Thirty days

I’d like to think we’ve seen the last of nasty Fergus Byrne, but I guess that’s not the case. I could imagine him showing up in Port Charles after Alexis gets her license back just to make her life miserable. I could also see them facing off in court in the future. I was glad to hear Alexis wonder out loud why Fergus was focusing on her when it was Harmony who killed his brothers, even though she also thinks she’s the next best alternative since he can’t go after Harmony. But why didn’t she mention Harmony in court when Fergus was firing off all his accusations?

Alexis and Fergus argue GH

I hope the show doesn’t actually need thirty days to tell Alexis her decision. As I joked last week, thirty days could be three months in a soap. Also, as I also said, they wouldn’t dare start this storyline just to confirm her firing. Or would they? Given the extreme character changes that have taken place, I’m not so sure…

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Final details

So it looks like the Congressman Cain…or Quartermaine…story is in full swing. Michael was pretty disappointed with the whole idea until Drew’s personal cheerleader Willow made him realize why it was great. I don’t have much to say about this story as I find it pointless. Well, the only point in it seems to be a reason for Drew to change his last name to Quartermaine.

Maxie and Spinelli were adorable trying to figure out how to live together as roommates who are dating. Spinelli’s attempt to explain cookies to James was pretty funny too. And whoever has been styling Kirsten Storms lately is doing a phenomenal job… finally. People called her TJ-Maxie for a while.

Spinelli and Maxie GH

I still can’t help but think something will happen to Kristina’s baby. Now that she’s in her third trimester, however, there could be a crisis, possibly caused by the stress with Sonny, but the baby won’t die. Then again, this soap opera loves killing children more than any other! The crisis would also result in Kristina not wanting to give up her baby, which most of us see coming. I thought Molly finally showed some maturity in her conversations with Alexis and Carly and realized that she can’t dictate Kristina’s life and question everything she does, and that she just has to hope Kristina does what’s best for her and the baby. But not telling TJ what happened at the wedding, oh, he’s not going to like that! In fact, if TJ found out and then attacked Kristina, it would also be an interesting way to put the baby in danger…

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Finally, the Heather story has resurfaced after being on hold for a few weeks. And while I can understand Portia’s frustration as Laura tries to figure out if Heather’s metalosis should be considered in her case, it still doesn’t make Portia’s screaming, crying, and nagging any less annoying…or headache-inducing.

That’s all my thoughts, opinions, and speculations for this week. As always, leave yours in the comments!

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