
City of Buffalo Massive Parking Price Rise in 2024

Parking seems to be one of those extra expenses at an event. This seems like such a financial drain.

It’s a business after all, but in most cases you can park for free and then walk. This may be what you need to do as prices to attend an event in downtown Buffalo are increasing.

The increase seems small, but it will really add up over time. The last time the City of Buffalo increased parking rates was in 2020. It is important to note that the new proposal from the Buffalo City Council has not yet been approved.

Here are some details and examples of price increases that would occur if the proposal is approved:

  • The parking department is asking for a $10 increase on all monthly parking.
  • This could result in an increase of up to a dollar on all daily parking and 50 cents on hourly parking for drivers.
  • Flat nightly rates would increase by two dollars.