
Porn actor attacked in Southern California by costar’s golf-club-wielding ex-boyfriend

Yellow crime scene tape

Yellow crime scene tape can be seen in this file photo. (Getty Images)

Jealousy can be a green-eyed monster, but it can also turn you black and blue.

A man who angered his ex-girlfriend and made a porn film attacked her scene partner with a golf club after trying to run him over. However, it was this jealous ex who ended up hospitalized, reports the Los Angeles Times.

James Gosselin, 26, is accused of assaulting a porn actor, identified only as “Hamilton” in legal documents, by ramming the actor’s motorcycle twice with his vehicle on April 2 and then hitting him with a golf club , the Times reports, citing the Los Angeles Police Department.

“Gosselin was jealous because Hamilton had made an adult film with his ex-girlfriend ‘Gia,'” the Times explained. The couple split in February.

Hamilton reportedly knew Gosselin was his attacker because after his motorcycle was rammed, “he looked back and saw Gosselin attempting to put on a ski mask before exiting his vehicle with a golf club.”

Gosselin actually only hit Hamilton once, resulting in bruising, although he “swinged and missed multiple times,” the warrant states.

It was actually Gosselin who had the worst end of the altercation, as Hamilton tackled his attacker and punched him in the face, fracturing Gosselin’s orbital bone, police told the Times.

Gosselin was briefly hospitalized and released before his arrest on April 4.

Gosselin was charged with attempted murder, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon other than a firearm and illegal possession of a loaded weapon in public. He admitted to police that he had an “untraceable ghost gun” in his vehicle, police said.

He pleaded not guilty on May 3 and is scheduled to appear in Van Nuys Municipal Court on June 6. His attorney did not respond to the Times’ request for comment.

In the meantime, he is free on $1 million bail, according to jail records.