
Rexburg’s father, injured in a dirt bike accident, is recovering at home. Here’s how you can help his family.

REXBURG – A local father has a long road to recovery ahead of him after breaking his back in a recent dirt bike accident.

Michael Bailey, 33, of Rexburg, has a passion for riding dirt bikes. His wife, Brittney, said he often goes horseback riding after work, on weekends or whenever he has time. Last Monday he was out with some friends in Rexburg, but after they left he decided to do two more laps before returning home.

“That’s when it (the accident) happened, when everyone was leaving,” Brittney told “He had so much adrenaline – he had an accident, then he loaded the bike himself and rode home.”

Brittney said Michael called her and said he needed help, but she found it hard to understand him because his lungs were “hurting so much” that it was difficult to speak. Brittney eventually took Michael to Madison Memorial Hospital, but then they were sent to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center, where Michael met with a neurosurgeon.

It was discovered that Michael had a fracture in two of his vertebrae. Brittney said a ruptured fracture is a case where, for example, a person falls and breaks a bone, but the bone fragments get everywhere, “or burst and fly out.”

“They were worried that these little shards of bone were going to get stuck in his spinal cord and become paralyzed, but luckily none were in there,” Brittney explained. “I thought, ‘You had someone looking out for you.'”

Michael underwent surgery last Tuesday with screws and a rod inserted into his back. He came home from the hospital on Friday. Brittney said Michael, who has been up and walking around again, will need another operation in about nine months to remove the rod.

Michael Bailey
Michael Bailey on his dirt bike. | Courtesy of GoFundMe

Michael and Brittney have two children, ages two and four. Michael worked full-time at Rexburg Motor Sports before the accident and was the primary source of income for his family (Brittney works part-time as a dental hygienist). He will be out of work for a few months while he recovers.

Additionally, the couple was trying to save for fertility treatments before the accident. Brittney had an appointment at a fertility clinic scheduled for this Friday, but had to cancel it due to the current situation.

A GoFundMe has been set up to help the family with bills since Michael is currently unable to work and to help with the insurance deductible. To donate, click here.

“We really appreciate it,” Brittney said of the GoFundMe donations. “It will help us look after our two young children and help Michael recover so he doesn’t have to worry about getting back to work so quickly.”

Michael Bailey with his children
Michael Bailey with his two children. | Courtesy of GoFundMe

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