
Oxford: Marston Road cemetery ‘rape’ trial begins

Khaliz Alshimery, 46, is standing trial at Oxford Crown Court on three counts of rape, assault and sexual assault – all allegedly on November 19 last year.

The student, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was on her way home from a night out when Alshimery reportedly dragged her into St Clement’s Cemetery on Marston Road and attacked her.

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She claims the defendant then thanked her before allowing her to escape.

Alshimery, who was staying at a Holiday Inn in Blackbird Leys at the time, denied the offenses and told police the student had asked him for £50 for sex and everything that happened was consensual.

Opening the trial on Monday (May 13), prosecutor Edward Lucas said the girl was on her way home at around 2.30am when she noticed the defendant on High Street, Oxford.

After asking her name and destination, the defendant allegedly began “harassing” the girl, the court heard.

“He was friendly at first,” Mr. Lucas said.

“But he wouldn’t leave her alone and she tried to push him away but he wouldn’t let her.

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“He started cuddling her, wrapping himself around her, kissing her neck and touching her breasts.”

The girl managed to elude the defendant after a witness stopped to ask if everything was OK. However, he reportedly caught up with her and “suffocated her.”

Mr Lucas continued: “She said to get out but then he forced her into the entrance to the churchyard and pushed her against a concrete block.”

“She tried to push him away. She said, ‘No, don’t have sex with me.’ It just made him angry.”

The defendant is then said to have attacked the student before she managed to flee the scene. She could allegedly hear him saying “thank you” as she left crying.

Mr Lucas said when the girl got home she called the police and was “crying uncontrollably”.

Forensic examinations were conducted and Alshimery’s DNA was found on the student.

He was arrested and interviewed on November 20 and told police that the allegations were untrue.

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“He wanted to say that the person he had met by chance on the High Street had engaged in a consensual sex act with him,” Mr Lucas said.

“He said she forced him. He then said she asked him for £50 for sex.”

The trial, which is expected to last a week, continues.