
Buffalo Bills and Sabers Host Pet Adoption Event

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Imagine KeyBank Center, but instead of a crowd of just Sabers fans, it’s filled with Sabers fans, dogs, guinea pigs and other adorable animals.

That’s exactly the kind of kindness that happened Saturday afternoon, at an adoption event with 20 local rescues hosted by the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres.

It was a lovely one stop shop. Potential adopters just needed identification, an owner’s permission slip and money to cover the adoption fee.

“So if we can get them all in one place and get as many adopted as possible, it makes our job even better,” said Amber Crisman, fundraising coordinator for the Sabres.

All this to raise awareness about local pets. 7 million people want to add pets to their families this year, if just 6% of those adopted from rescues it could end the current homeless animal crisis.

“It saves lives, you can see it. Each one of these animals that finds a home makes room for another, so it really saves two every time you adopt,” said Tina Chaudhry, organizer of the event.