
Galax County warning: New study links prenatal nutrition to 22% lower risk of autism, doctors explain | State

In this article, The Health Standard’s medical experts share their expert insights into the findings and provide Virginia residents with evidence-based recommendations to protect their health.

Why this is important for you

A new study has found that expectant mothers who eat a healthy diet during pregnancy can reduce your child’s risk of autismThese new findings, spanning two large cohorts in Norway and England, offer new insights into the potential impact of prenatal nutrition on child development, making them of great importance to all expectant parents across America, including here in Galax County, Virginia.

What this means for your health

The study found that mothers who followed a healthy eating pattern before giving birth had a 22% lower probability that their child is diagnosed with autism.

Key point: While this does not guarantee that autism can be prevented, these new findings suggest that making conscious nutritional choices during pregnancy may have long-term benefits for your child’s neurodevelopment. For Galax County residents, this information is especially relevant as we strive to improve maternal and child health in our community.

THS spoke to Jenna S., an expectant mother from Livingston County, about these results and this is what she had to say: “I didn’t fully understand how important prenatal care is before. Now that I’ve learned about this study, I’m going to make sure I go to all of my prenatal visits and follow-up visits after the pregnancy. It’s no longer just about me. It’s really about giving my baby the best start possible.”

Expert insights from physicians and actionable steps to improve prenatal nutrition and potentially reduce autism risk

As usual, we turned to our panel of health experts, and they made these findings even more succinct.

Make sure you eat a balanced diet: Dr. Puja Uppal, family physician, advises, “Focus on incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats into your daily meals. These foods provide important nutrients that support fetal development. Since we are in the middle of farmers market season here in Galax County, try to buy fresh, local produce there.”

Seek early prenatal care: Dr. Adriana Davis, a family physician in New Jersey, emphasizes, “Regular checkups are essential to monitor the health of both mother and fetus. I also want to let you know that contacting your Galax County health department for help in finding appropriate treatment can be a good place to start, especially if you are facing financial constraints. And as always, don’t hesitate to discuss financial issues with your healthcare team. We are here to help and can certainly point you in the right direction!”

Did you know 77.8% of pregnant women in 2020 received prenatal care?

Want more personalized health insights from top doctors? Subscribe to our free, evidence-based health newsletter.

Discover insurance options: Dr. Shelandra Bell, a family physician in Michigan, explained, “Many expectant mothers in Galax County may be eligible for Medicaid or other insurance programs that cover prenatal care.”

Further steps: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or have recently given birth, you should know that you can get insurance. (HHS)

Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229).

Manage stress through healthy habits: Dr. Bell continues, “Incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as prenatal yoga or meditation into your daily routine. Simple steps to reduce your anxiety and improve your mental well-being can have a tremendous impact on you and your developing baby.”

Consider prenatal vitamins: Dr. Lindsay Boik-Price, emergency medicine physician, recommends: “While a healthy diet is important, prenatal vitamins can help fill nutritional gaps. Discuss with your doctor which supplements are right for you. Many pharmacies in Galax County offer prenatal vitamins. When you meet with your healthcare team, also ask about blood tests and exams you may need.”

Get advice from local health resources: Your Galax County health department offers resources and programs to help residents manage pregnancy risks. Contact them for local support options and programs.

Key findings

High adherence to a healthy prenatal dietary pattern was associated with a 22% reduced risk of a diagnosis of autism in children. This pattern was characterized by high consumption of:

  • fruits and vegetables
  • full grain
  • Lean proteins
  • Fish
  • nuts

The study found that children whose mothers ate a healthier diet during pregnancy were less likely to have difficulties in social communication.

Good diets:

  • A plant-based diet showed the strongest association with improved social communication skills.
  • A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains produced better results.

Certain foods have been linked to potentially higher risks:

  • Diets high in processed foods.
  • High consumption of red and processed meat.
  • Frequent consumption of foods high in refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats.

The study highlighted the importance of general eating habits and not individual nutrients.

The conclusion

While genetics and other factors play a role in autism risk, this study highlights the potential impact of a healthy diet before birth on your child’s development. Expectant mothers in Galax County, Virginia, can take proactive steps to promote their child’s long-term health by making informed nutritional choices and seeking appropriate prenatal care.

Read the study in JAMA Network opened. (Visit here)

Read more: New research continues to show that cannabis use during the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to negative consequences for mother and child.

Read more: New research shows that living in more green spaces may reduce the risk of postnatal depression in new mothers.

Health Standard News Agency: A healthy diet offers enormous benefits during and after pregnancy.

Galax County Healthy Insights: 3 Tests That Are Common During Pregnancy

Ultrasound examination: An ultrasound helps your doctors monitor growth, check for abnormalities, and determine the due date. Ultrasounds are usually performed several times during pregnancy, with the first scan usually done between 8 and 14 weeks of pregnancy to confirm pregnancy and determine if there are multiple fetuses.

Blood pressure measurement: Regular blood pressure checks are essential during pregnancy to prevent conditions such as preeclampsia, which can be dangerous for both mother and baby. High blood pressure during pregnancy can indicate possible complications and may require additional monitoring or treatment.

Urine analysis: Urine tests are performed during most prenatal visits to screen for urinary tract infections, diabetes, and preeclampsia. The presence of protein or glucose in the urine may indicate potential health problems that require further evaluation or treatment during pregnancy.

Important health and medical statistics for Galax County, Virginia

Did you know There was 2667 deaths out of diabetes in Virginia in 2021?

18.9% of you in Galax County there is no health insurance.

12.8% of you in Galax County was diagnosed with diabetes.

36.8% of you in Galax County less than 7 hours of sleep per night.

75% of you in Galax County have been to your doctor for a routine check-up in the last year.

Important health facts. The health data listed above has a direct impact on your physical well-being and is crucial for your general health.

The Health Standard Newswire.