
Alligator spotted in North Texas

COPPELL (KDAF) — Attention, Coppell residents! An alligator has been spotted in the northeast part of town. This scaly visitor, swimming in small ponds and tributaries around Denton Creek, has put the town on alert.

The city is asking everyone not to swim, fish or enter the water in the area. And remember: feeding the alligators is prohibited! Under Texas law, this is a misdemeanor punishable by a $500 fine.

The city of Coppell is working with Texas Parks and Wildlife, as relocation of the alligator requires their permit. Nothing is yet known about the size of our toothy guest, but this is not the first alligator sighting in North Texas and certainly won’t be the last, especially considering alligators have been a part of DFW waterways since the 1800s.

If you see an alligator, remember to back away slowly, keep your pets away from alligator habitat, avoid swimming areas, and do not attempt to move the alligator yourself. Instead, notify local authorities (especially if the alligator poses a threat or is near residential homes).