
Warning of unhealthy air issued in Worcester and Middlesex counties

WORCESTER, MA — The state Department of Environmental Protection has issued an air quality warning for the region because, in addition to oppressive heat and humidity, ozone levels are expected to reach harmful levels.

According to MassDEP, the elderly, children and people with lung and heart problems were most at risk Tuesday and should avoid strenuous outdoor activities.

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“Particulate matter levels should average in the good to moderate range on Tuesday. Ozone levels will likely be in the average range, which is unhealthy for sensitive groups, in some west-central, central, eastern and northeastern areas of the state. Good to moderate ozone levels are expected in the southeastern part of the state and the far northwest,” Tuesday’s air quality forecast said.

According to MassDEP, the air quality warning is in effect from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Tuesday in parts of Hampden and Hampshire counties, southern Worcester County, central and southeastern Middlesex County, and Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk counties.

Meanwhile, the National Weather Service has issued another heat warning for the region for Tuesday. Heat index values ​​could reach as high as 99 in the same area covered by the air quality warning.