
Anger in Gaza after attack on anti-Hamas activists – Report – Israel News

Masked men attacked a Hamas critic in the Gaza Strip this week. Amin Abed was brutally beaten by a gang of men likely sent by Hamas to silence him.

Abed is known as a critic of Hamas. The attack has sparked anger, and it is clear from social media posts, including from Palestinian activists and commentators who follow Gaza closely, how much this attack symbolizes the brutal nature of Hamas’ rule over Gaza.

Abed, 35, was reportedly attacked by two dozen men who beat him on the street in the Jabalya neighborhood in northern Gaza. A social media post claimed that “twenty or more masked men grabbed Amin Abed at Al-Fakh School and dragged him to Al-Tawbah neighborhood… The twenty men took turns beating him, and for more than 40 minutes, Amin was attacked on the street in the middle of his neighborhood.

“The neighborhood was already abandoned and largely in ruins, so they isolated him with all the barbarity until all four of his limbs were broken. They continued with the inhumane beatings to his head and body, which never ended.”

Children experiment with weapons of war next to activists of the terrorist organization Hamas (Source: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)

He was reportedly eventually helped by locals from Jabalya who tried to save his life and took him for treatment. One photo shows men pushing Abed in a cart to get him medical attention. His feet are bloody and blood is dripping onto the pavement.

Pictures and videos showed people helping him and bandaging him. Another video also showed an elderly man, described as Abed’s father, Salah Abed, speaking about the attack on his son.

Anger erupts in Gaza

According to a report by the Al-Ain media house in the United Arab Emirates, there is great anger in Gaza over the attack on the activist. “There is anger among Palestinians in the Gaza Strip over the attack on activist Amin Abed, who opposes the Hamas movement,” the report said. He was “brutally attacked by masked men from the Hamas police in the Jabalya camp in the north of the Gaza Strip.”

According to the same report, Hamas has neither commented nor responded to allegations that its men beat the man.

Al-Ain noted that “Amin had called in various publications to end the war in Gaza and end the suffering of 2.3 million Palestinians living in tragic conditions, especially in the north. Activists said that since the beginning of the war, Amin Abed was known for his tireless work in serving his people, treating the injured and sick, and providing financial assistance to alleviate their suffering.”

According to the report, the video taken by Abed’s father shows the man “in the devastated streets of the Gaza Strip, shouting slogans against the ‘cowardly agents,’ denouncing the kidnapping and mistreatment of his son, and the tragedy that Palestinians are experiencing in the Gaza Strip.”

According to the article, Abed suffered serious injuries, including broken bones, and it is believed that the masked men intended to kill him. “The Fatah movement strongly condemned the ‘criminal attack on activist and fighter Amin Abed’ and blamed the ‘de facto authority in the Gaza Strip’ for the attack. The Hamas movement claims responsibility for it.”

Another article said the masked men were Hamas police in Jabalya. Reports of the beatings are becoming more common and circulating in the region. The Associated Press noted that “the family of a well-known Gaza activist who organized anti-Hamas protests says he was attacked by a group of men with batons and knives.”

Amin Abed, 35, is in critical condition in a northern Gaza hospital after being attacked on his way home on Monday. His father, Salah Abed, described the attack in detail in a Facebook post, without saying who was responsible. The same report noted: “Amer Balousha, a friend of the activist, said he was attacked by more than 20 masked men. He said when passersby intervened, the attackers fired shots in the air and claimed they were from Hamas’ internal security service.”

The attack on Abed came less than a week after Hamas also attacked civilians in Gaza who were trying to get food from a warehouse where Hamas was storing humanitarian aid. Throughout the war, Hamas has often beaten and sometimes killed people in Gaza, either for alleged violations such as trying to get or steal food, or for opposing Hamas’s brutal rule.

The attack on Abed has drawn increased attention because he was well known in a network of Palestinians outside Gaza. The attack on this man is seen as an example of how willing Hamas is to persecute the people of Gaza in order to stay in power after nine months of a disastrous war.