
WVU Medicine surgeons save man with traumatic injuries after car crash

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — WVU Medicine surgeons helped a man rebuild his life and family after a car accident. Dr. Alison Wilson and Dr. Guilherme Costa played a critical role in his recovery.

The patient was traveling with others in Maryland when he had a serious accident that left him with a traumatic brain injury and internal abdominal injuries. He was flown by helicopter to WVU Medicine JW Ruby Memorial Hospital for treatment.

“When he got here, he had multiple life-threatening injuries and was in severe shock (from blood loss),” said Dr. Allison Wilson, chair of the WVU Critical Care and Trauma Institute. “Our priority was to stop the bleeding in his abdomen and get him to the operating room to treat his head injury.”

Due to abdominal trauma, his intestines were severed and, over the course of a series of operations, surgeons managed to reconnect them.

Because he was in such severe shock, Dr. Wilson said he was at increased risk for complications such as infection and poor healing.

“An injury of this severity weakens the body’s nutrients and immune system,” Wilson said. “When that happens, we can control the infections and fluid leakage by allowing the wound to come to the surface and leaving it open to prevent fluid leakage into the abdomen. At this point, it is best to let the patient’s body recover and heal before doing any further interventions.”

Wilson says patients typically have to wait eight months to a year for scar tissue from injuries and surgeries to soften so surgeons can make a complete repair without causing additional damage. During this time, the abdomen remains open and the patient receives intravenous parenteral nutrition, as eating food can cause further intestinal leaks, posing a higher risk of further infections.

When Guilherme Costa, MD, Ph.D., surgical oncologist at the WVU Cancer Institute, joined WVU Medicine in September 2023, he learned about the patient’s case and coordinated with his physicians to surgically repair the colon.

Using techniques he learned as a transplant surgeon, Dr. Costa closed the open portion of the patient’s intestine, closing the abdominal cavity and allowing the patient to eat again.

“The trauma surgeons did exactly what they needed to do to increase his chances of survival,” Costa said. “The head injury was a priority, and we wanted to make sure he survived long enough to have a chance of recovery. Once that was addressed and the patient was ready, we were able to close his intestines and abdomen, giving him not only the ability to eat, but also effective healing.”

After a month of recovery, including physical therapy and the slow reintroduction of food, the patient was discharged to recover at home surrounded by his family and young daughter.

“I am very grateful to the nurses and doctors here,” the patient said. “They treated me like family and made sure I had everything I needed to go home.”

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