
14-year-old Jewish shepherd hospitalized after attack by Arabs and foreign anarchists | The Jewish Press – | Pesach Benson / TPS | 1 Tammuz 5784 – Sunday, July 7, 2024

Photo credit: TPS-IL

A pasture on the Ma’on farm in Mount Hebron, where Arabs and foreign anarchists attacked a 14-year-old Jewish shepherd on July 7, 2024.

A 14-year-old Jewish shepherd was treated for injuries after he was attacked by Palestinian Authority Arabs and international anarchists on Mount Hebron on Sunday morning.

The attack occurred near Maon Farm, south of Hebron. Magen David Adom forces took the teenager to a hospital for treatment after he was hit in the face by a stone. Israel’s press service has learned that the teenager has already left the hospital.

Eliram Azoulai, chairman of the Mount Hebron Council, told Israel’s press office that since June 9, when the army relaxed security measures in the area, there have been an average of “two to four attacks a day” by the anarchists. There have been numerous incidents in which Arabs and Palestinian Authority anarchists have invaded the fields and pastures of the Ma’on farm and harassed shepherds and other farm workers.

In at least one case, the anarchists were also observed photographing a nearby army position.

“We are here to show our presence and to say that this land belongs to us and that no one can harm us, no matter what happens,” Azoulai told TPS-IL.

In March, police told a Knesset subcommittee that foreign anarchists posing as human rights activists were harassing Israeli security forces in Judea and Samaria, and that half of the reports of “settler violence” were fabricated by the agitators.