
Matt Leinart was attacked by idiots for taking a photo with Ted Cruz

The Internet is once again proving itself to be a gathering of idiots and members of the woke outrage mob.

It’s no secret that people love to attack strangers online for a variety of reasons, and a tweet from Matt Leinart on Thursday made that fact clear.

The former USC quarterback posted a photo of himself with Texas Senator Ted Cruz with the caption, “Happy 4th (American flag emoji).”

Pretty simple and neat. Nothing scandalous about it at all.

Matt Leinart was attacked for taking a photo with Ted Cruz.

Unfortunately, we live in very stupid times and people just can’t live and let live. They have to give their opinion on everything… even a simple photo.

This is just a small sample of the comments currently circulating about X. It’s truly unbelievable that people feel the need to tweet at a former quarterback for taking a photo with a politician.

That’s the definition of a losing move. If you see a politician from either party and want to take a photo of them, go for it. I met President Biden twice and took photos with him both times.

I don’t like President Biden, but he’s the POTUS. Am I going to say no to a photo with the man who has access to the nuclear launch codes? Absolutely not. The same logic applies here. Ted Cruz is a popular senator. You may agree with him or not, but there’s no doubt that he’s one of America’s most recognizable politicians.

Attacking someone for taking a photo with them or any other politician is just a testament to your own stupidity. It was the 4th of July! Shouldn’t people have something to do, like celebrate and spend time with friends and family? Instead, they wasted their time tweeting Matt Leinart.

Take photos with whoever you want, ignore criticism on the internet and never apologize for having fun. Leinart did nothing wrong. Let me know if you agree at [email protected].