
WHITE BUFFALO by Montana Grant

The birth of a white bison in Yellowstone National Park has become big news. Last month, a small white buffalo was spotted in the middle of a herd of bison. Everyone was excited and cameras were snapping pictures.

Recently the little white bison went missing. He hasn’t been seen for several days. He may have wandered away from the herd or may not have survived. Last year a man was ticketed by the rangers for saving a drowning bison trying to cross the Yellowstone River. We believe that nature is right and all wild creatures should be left alone and to their natural fate.

Why is the buffalo white? This color is a genetic mutation that occurs occasionally. The white coat makes this bison an albino if it also has pink eyes. Other mutations can also occur. The bison can be born completely black or piebald. A mixture of white, brown, and black is also possible.

Native peoples have always believed that white bison or other mutations were sacred. Hunters would hunt these unique animals. The hide and skull were tanned and preserved. Artwork would adorn the remains and a celebration of the sacred bison would take place. These sacred keepsakes would then be placed on a high place and given to the great spirits. The meat was not considered sacred and was eaten.

Wooden Leg, a Cheyenne warrior, speaks of these “sacred places” in his memoirs. He fought Custer and survived on the plains of Montana. His book is interesting and a very good read.

Local natives held a ceremony to honor the new white bison. It was named “Wakan Gli,” which means “Sacred Return” in the Lakota language.

This recent white bison stands out from the crowd. Predators in the park like bears, wolves, coyotes and eagles could easily prey on a white animal. It’s hard to hide from danger when you’re so visible. Mutants also tend to have other weaknesses or health issues. It’s possible that they could age, especially if other bison are protecting the animal, in a larger herd. It has happened before.

White bison, deer, moose, elk and all the mutations happen. Maybe the little white bison just wanders in a big herd off the beaten path.

Maybe it will grow big enough for Ted Nugent to drive it to a concert.

Montana Grant