
USMS supports successful fugitive investigations | Local news

On July 2, 2024, the U.S. Marshal Service Pacific Northwest Violent Offender Task Force (USMS) provided valuable assistance to USMS Task Force Officer Deputy J. Lee in a high-priority fugitive investigation. The target of the investigation was Randolph N. Rossback (65), also known as Randy, who was believed to be in Coos County.

On July 3, 2024, the joint efforts of USMS and TFO Deputy J. Lee resulted in the successful arrest of Randy at a residence on Highway 42 in Coos Bay. Randy was wanted on a Failure to Appear (FTA) warrant for several serious offenses including delivery of methamphetamine, illegal possession of methamphetamine, and illegal possession of a firearm. In addition, Randy was charged with providing false information to police.