
Why Bill O’Reilly predicts Biden will suspend his 2024 campaign | Talk 650 KSTE

According to media reports, President Biden’s family has encouraged him to stay in the race for the 2024 presidential nomination. However, Bill O’Reilly believes Biden will drop out in the end anyway. Bill explains to Glenn why he thinks that, and it centers around former President Barack Obama and Biden’s former chief of staff, Ron Klain. Bill also gives his opinion on who the Democrats will choose to replace Biden: Will it be Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer… or will Michelle Obama come out of hiding at the last minute? And can any of them beat Trump?


Below is a preliminary transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: You know, today is one of those days when you miss people like Bill O’Reilly. And I don’t say that lightly or often.

But the days of being able to watch the news directly and have a credible guy who had some sources, or at least knew through his contacts, what was really going on in Washington, DC, are over. Bill O’Reilly of BillO’

Today is one of the shows you’ll miss. You’ll miss a lot if you don’t see it. He’s with us now.

He tweeted: “The decision has been made. The President will drop out of the campaign.”

He tweeted that yesterday.

Bill O’Reilly is with me now.

BILL: Who’s that? Glenn, who? Glenn Beck.

GLENN: Wow. Wow.

I got my first name. Bill O’Reilly.

This is the first time I use my first name.

BILL: This is the first time. How are you, Beck?

I haven’t spoken to you in a while.

GLENN: Yeah. I saw your tweet. Then I guess you contacted me and then I contacted you back. Because I wanted to contact you again.

All right, then tell us.

What do you know?

BILL: Okay. So the two people responsible are Barack Obama and Ron Klain, Joe Biden’s former chief of staff.

In the first two years. So they sat down and actually talked to Joe.

I don’t know if it was over Zoom or if they – in New York.

Obama was at a fundraiser in New York and so was Biden.

But it’s really depressed.

And both Klain and Obama. And that was my tweet. I decided that if – well, if I say that, what does that mean?

That means they – the two most powerful men in the Democratic Party right now, the two most powerful people – told Biden he couldn’t win.

You can’t beat Trump.

And he is the devil. He is evil.

But if you don’t get out, you’re helping the evil one. That’s how it works –

GLENN: OK. Wait a second. I don’t think that – I don’t think that would faze Joe Biden. He knows that.

He has a son. Anyway, that reminds me of Nixon. Where the tide turned against Nixon. And he lost the support of important members of the Senate.

They came in and said, “You have to go. You have to go.” Now are they going to offer the Edgers a carrot or a stick when they leave?

BILL: Well, that’s an excellent analysis, Beck. You have to be biased to…

GLENN: Well, I’ve gotten a lot older.

BILL: But it’s very, very similar. Nixon’s people told the American public, “Oh, he’s not going anywhere.”

That’s just – he’s made some mistakes. But, you know, he’s a great president. Blah, blah, blah.

But behind the scenes, Republicans were saying, “Hey, if you don’t come out, they’re going to arrest you. They’re going to charge you with crimes.”

And so Nixon went to the helicopter and waved to everyone.

Now they’re saying that if you don’t get out, you’ll go down in history as a villain. Because Trump will win. And it will all be your fault. 100 percent.

Well, Biden, as you rightly pointed out, is not really capable of doing that.

I’m actually having to digest that. So it’s his wife who makes all the calls. So they’re going to Camp David for the weekend. They’re still there.

I think their helicopter will be here in about 20 minutes. All right?

And there’s no way she’s going to go. There’s no way we’re going to live.

We’ll fight to the end. Jill Biden – Joe Biden just sits there and eats his sugary Frosted Flakes.

He had nothing to do with it. The battle is now between the party elders and Jill Biden.

Who remains stubborn and says: “No. No.”

Joe is doing everything I tell him to do. And he’s not going to go because we believe we can overcome this. Now let me tell you the reason why they’re not going to overcome it. That the Bidens could go. And they could go very quickly now.

The Democrats are trying to figure out when to make that announcement. OK, of course they have to get the Bidens on board.

But they also have to have some kind of plan B, right?

So we’re going to go to Congress with these people. They haven’t done that yet, okay?

GLENN: And how do they do that? And say they respect democracy?

I mean, that’s not possible.

PAT: No. No. Yes, there is. Absolutely.

GLENN: Well, there are the superdelegates.

BILL: Yes. All Biden has to do is say, “I’m withdrawing for health reasons.” You’ll see. And I’ll name my delegates. Whoever the party wants. And then Biden would be completely out of the race. And they would tell him, “Go to Kamala as a delegate, to Newsom, to Whitmore or whatever.” That’s – and it’s not that complicated.

LBJ did it, and it’s ironic because he did it, and then the convention was in Chicago, and all hell broke loose in 1968. So where is the Democratic Convention this year?

GLENN: Chicago. And then all hell will break loose.

BILL: You bet. And all the anarchists and Hamas supporters will be there.

Okay, the reason for that is my opinion, but it’s more than just an opinion.

What is undeniable is that Biden’s support was low from the start. He does not have core support.

It’s all hate support for Trump. Okay?

And so, if the CVS poll is to be believed, there are not many Democrats who care whether Biden is the candidate.

They have no emotional attachment to Biden. They just want Trump to lose. That’s hygiene.

So apart from Jill, he doesn’t have a squad of people.

And maybe Hunter, I don’t know.

But he didn’t.

He doesn’t have Congress.

I mean, members of Congress are running around undermining him tremendously.

And his own people. You saw Jamie Raskin do it. My God!

GLENN: Uh-hm.

BILL: So he doesn’t have any core support in Congress or among the people. You say you raised a lot of money from the debate. I’m suspicious. But I don’t think you’re going to raise a lot of money in the future. Right?

GLENN: Okay. So, Joe. All right. So, Bill.

Who do you think is most likely to replace him?

BILL: I don’t know. But I’ll tell you who does.

So Kamala wants it. Kamala will not disappear quietly into the night.

And she will play the racism card.


Gender and race chart.

That’s what she has.

She will play it.

Newsom, as far as I know, just ordered hair care products, a lot more.

So —

GLENN: Right.

BILL: He obviously wants it. He wants it, whit miles an hour in Michigan.

All right. Those are the three over there.

Now they want –

GLENN: What about Big Mike? What about Big Mike?

What about Big Mike?

BILL: Big Mike. Who is Big Mike?

GLENN: That would be Michelle Obama. That would be Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama.

BILL: Sorry, Beck. I didn’t get the reference to Mike.

That’s it – in my 50-year career as a journalist, I have never seen a famous person imprisoned like Michelle Obama.

There’s no whisper coming out. Nowhere. So that would obviously be the solution, right?


BILL: But there’s no indication that she wants to do it.

And those of us who know Michelle Obama – and I know her a little bit – know that she is a very strong woman. Barack Obama is not going to say, “Hey, Michelle, you’re running.” No.

GLENN: No. No. You don’t say that to Big Mike. Listen, Bill, I have to ask you something. Let’s not talk politics.

Let’s talk about the security of the country.

First, who is running the country right now? Go ahead.

BILL: The three guys there in the White House, the Chief of Staff and the National Security Officer. That’s the Irishman.

GLENN: Yes. Look at that. That’s what we voted for. For the Irishman.

BILL: Right. Right.

GLENN: Oh my God.

BILL: Jake Sullivan.

Thank you all.

And they – his advice. But you, it’s a triumvirate.

In the White House.

Nobody has ever heard of these people.

They get a no. They go out every now and then. But not often.

And it is a warning, by the way. A very serious warning about US bases abroad and amnesties in the event of a terrorist attack. Very serious.

GLENN: I know. I know.

BILL: So we have an incapacitated president. Go ahead.

GLENN: You’re right. We have an incapacitated president. What the hell – you know, who ordered our nuclear submarine to surface in the Norwegian Sea this weekend to send a message?

And it’s somehow important to know who’s actually in charge there.

Because we are on the brink of war.

If we are stupid!

And I can’t judge who actually makes the decisions.

Should the president resign from office?

BILL: Yes. That would be Sullivan. Okay?

You see, the White House is very, very chaotic.

You know, I’m coming out a book soon in which I confront the presidents.

We stand behind every president. And I sent this to you, Glenn.

And I’m going to hire someone to read the book to you. I’m going to pay someone to follow you around and read this book to you.

Because it’s incredible how different some presidents are, and because Biden is the second worst president in our history.

Trump is exaggerating when he says he is the worst.

Nobody is worse than James Buchanan. He was the one who started the Civil War.

But Biden is second.


BILL: And that applies to me too, because I know what happens every day. In the White House.

This man, that’s three out of five days. And Axios got about 50 percent of them right today.

He’s not even in the Oval Office.

He didn’t even manage to get down from the residents.

That’s how incapable he is of action.

And Jill Biden will make that decision.

Look at his schedule and No Spin News, my news show. We reported every day.

Most of the time he has nothing on the agenda except a fundraiser where he holds up the teleprompter. That’s all. He does nothing.

And everyone in his government knows that, which is why this is incredibly shocking after the debate disaster.

That they will not tell the American public the truth.

The Democratic Party will not tell the truth.

This has been going on for a year now.

It didn’t just happen.

GLENN: Okay. Last question.

I have to get this in.

Is it better or worse for Donald Trump if Biden leaves?

Change it enough to change the rules of the game and people will just say, “Oh, I’ll just go with someone new.”

BILL: Trump would beat Joe Biden now, hands down. That’s number one.

GLENN: No question.

BILL: Right. He’s beating Biden.

If Biden resigns when it is Michelle Obama’s turn, then that is –

GLENN: It’s over.

BILL: — huge for Trump. That’s a problem. He can beat anyone else pretty easily at this point. Because remember, Trump got 70 million votes in 2020.

I estimate that the most he could lose out of the 72 million would be 10 percent. That would be 65 million.

Biden will not even come close to that.