
Australian Labour Court orders strike halt at Wilmar Sugar

The Labour Court in Australia has ordered union members of Wilmar Sugar and Renewables, the country’s largest sugar producer, to suspend their industrial action for six weeks, the company said.

This decision by the Fair Work Commission will prevent further disruption at Wilmar’s eight sugar factories.

A dispute over wages led to strikes in May that delayed and disrupted the start of seasonal work in the sugar cane processing industry and posed a threat to Australian sugar production.

“The suspension of industrial action removes immediate threats to the annual pressing season and creates a conducive environment for negotiations with the unions,” a Wilmar spokesman said.

Jim Wilson, representing the Australian Workers’ Union, mentioned that unions intend to challenge the decision. However, he acknowledged that the Fair Work Commission is likely to extend the stay order to prevent future strikes. If negotiations stall in the coming months, the commission could step in with a binding wage agreement.

Wilmar Sugar and Renewables is responsible for more than half of Australia’s sugar production, the majority of which is exported.