
Lost dog found alive 36 hours after boating accident

CHARLESTON COUNTY, SC (WCSC/Gray News) – Thirty-six hours after a boating accident in South Carolina, a dog was found alive and reunited with his family.

On Sunday, Jeff Wiseman and his golden retriever Rocky took a boat ride on the Ashley River.

Jeff Wiseman said he was distracted by his phone and accidentally hit an abandoned concrete pier, causing him and Rocky to fall into the water.

“It was just a moment of really careless driving that almost cost us the win,” he said.

Jeff Wiseman said he swam to shore in search of Rocky but could not find him.

Authorities arrived at the scene to help search for Rocky and transport Jeff Wiseman, who had seven broken ribs, to the hospital.

“I was afraid he was hurt, that he was suffering somewhere, or dead,” said Jeff Wiseman. “I mean the grief and guilt you feel when a moment of carelessness could have hurt or killed you and your buddy like that.”

Jeff Wiseman’s wife, Kim Wiseman, immediately posted on Facebook asking boaters to be on the lookout for Rocky, and it was shared throughout the community.

“I don’t think we realized how far the news had spread,” she said. “I mean, we were just overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by how far it had spread and how many people were looking for him.”

Jeff Wiseman said people were out on jet skis, kayaks and boats searching for Rocky.

“They had drones everywhere, and when they didn’t see him in the water, it actually gave us some hope that maybe he had made it to land,” he said.

About 36 hours later, Rocky was spotted on the opposite side of the river chasing a raccoon on a dock.

“We can’t believe it. We really prepared for the worst and this is the best outcome we could have hoped for,” said Kim Wiseman.

The Wisemans said the life jacket Rocky was wearing saved his life.

“Everyone is talking about going online and ordering life jackets for their dogs. That’s an important lesson to learn,” said Kim Wiseman.

Rocky is now at home with an injured ankle and is completely exhausted, but is recovering well.

The Wisemans said they are grateful to everyone who spread the word about Rocky and helped them find him.

They hope their story can inspire more dog owners to purchase life jackets and advocate for boater safety.

“We never expected or imagined how the community, how the Lowcountry came together and stood up for Rocky,” said Kim Wiseman. “They didn’t know us, they didn’t know Rocky, but everyone seemed to come together to save a little dog. It was so heartwarming and we are just so grateful.”