
Defendant arrested for stabbing on the basis of an arrest warrant for arson

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U.S. Marshals arrested a defendant charged in a stabbing after discovering she also had an outstanding warrant for arson. The charges were filed in a hearing before D.C. Superior Court Judge Renee Raymond on June 26.

Karelys Gonzalez, 31, is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon for allegedly using a knife in an incident in the 300 block of Upshur Street, NW, on April 7, 2024.

Gonzalez was not being held in the Washington State jail for the stabbing, but according to a pretrial document, Gonzalez was arrested on arson charges in a separate case.

Gonzalez is expected to be arson-charged before the end of the week.

During the trial, Gonzalez burst into tears.

Gonzalez’s attorney, Camille Wagner, requested an adjournment of the preliminary hearing, originally scheduled for June 26, and asked if she could handle both of Wagner’s cases instead of holding two separate hearings. Judge Raymond agreed.

According to court documents, a verbal argument ensued between Gonzalez and the victim. The victim said the argument was about whether her dog could sleep in the bed, while Gonzalez said the argument was about refusing to have sex with the victim.

When the victim later woke up after the fight, González allegedly stabbed him in the chest.

“This is nothing compared to what I will do to you later,” Gonzalez is said to have said, according to court documents.

The parties are scheduled to reconvene on July 1 for a preliminary hearing on the stabbing and arson charges against González.

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