
The Buffalo International Institute offers vital summer safety information in ten languages

The International Buffalo Institute (IIB) has published crucial life-saving information in multiple languages ​​on its website to help more people prepare for the upcoming summer weather. The URL is information.

Summer weather safety preparedness informational pamphlets are available in many of Western New York’s most widely spoken languages, including Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Dari, English, Karen, Pashto, Somali, Spanish and Ukrainian.

“Although many foreign-born Western New Yorkers come from countries with warm climates, many are not. Either way, both groups may not be aware of the impact of humidity on the weather here. »

said Jennifer Rizzo-Choi, executive director of the International Institute of Buffalo. “It is also important to know what resources are available for relief from the heat. »

Rizzo-Choi adds that the document contains general safety information relevant to this time of year as well as information on identifying and responding to heat injuries.

IIB encourages everyone to download the PDF files or forward the URL to their parents, friends, neighbors, colleagues and anyone else who might benefit from this information. The Institute also encourages local governments, libraries, schools, clubs, faith-based organizations, and other organizations to print the flyers to post on bulletin boards, put on their websites, or include the information URLs in their emails, newsletters and on other digital platforms.