
*WATCH* Victim says ‘no justice was done’ as her attacker receives suspended sentence.

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She was the victim of an unprovoked attack by an active member of the Irish Army in 2022

A Limerick woman says “no justice” was done in court after a serving Irish soldier who beat her unconscious in a random attack on the street was given a three-year suspended sentence today.

Natasha O’Brien (24) was attacked late at night in Limerick City by Cathal Crotty (22) as she walked home with a friend after a shift at a pub.

Mr Crotty had initially tried to blame Ms O’Brien, telling police who arrested him that she had instigated the attack.

However, after Gardai showed Crotty CCTV footage showing him attacking Ms O’Brien without provocation, he admitted his guilt.

Natasha O’Brien (about Brendan Gleeson)

The court heard he appeared to have attacked Ms O’Brien, of North Circular Road, Limerick, after she and a friend “politely” asked him to stop shouting “faggot” at other people in the street.

Crotty grabbed Mrs. O’Brien by the hair and knocked her to the ground.

He continued to hold her hair with one hand and hit her in the face with the other until she lost consciousness on the ground, the court heard.

Ms O’Brien, who suffered a broken nose, bruising, nightmares and panic attacks, said she believed Crotty was going to kill her during the attack.

The attack only ended when Mr Crotty was pulled away by a passerby and fled the scene.

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Hours after the attack, Crotty is believed to have boasted to friends on Snapchat, saying: “Two to knock her down, two to knock her unconscious,” referring to the punch he gave to Ms O’Brien.

Mr Crotty was given a three-year suspended sentence and the judge noted that if he imposed an immediate prison sentence his “career in the army” would be over.

The judge noted that he had a “big decision to make” regarding Crotty’s future.

“To be fair to him (Crotty), he appeared in court and publicly admitted his wrongdoing and he publicly admitted his offence,” the judge said.

In addition to his three-year prison sentence, he ordered Crotty to pay compensation of €3,000 to Ms O’Brien, without prejudice to any civil action.

Speaking outside the courthouse today, Ms O’Brien explained her feelings after the verdict: “I lost my job because of his (Crotty’s) actions because I was so affected by what he did, but this judge does not want to put him in prison because that would mean he would lose his job.”

O’Brien criticized the suspended sentence, adding that she believed the court had sent “the message” to Crotty and everyone else that they could attack women in public without going to prison.

“The severity of his violent crimes and the lifelong trauma I now have to endure were not truly taken into account.”

If Crotty reoffends within the next three years, he will face full probation.

(Video about David Raleigh)

*If you are personally affected by the details in this article, the following helplines can assist you:

Women’s Aid (national toll-free helpline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) Tel: 1800-341-900 / Email: [email protected]

Men’s Aid (Tel.: 01-554-3811 / Web:

Men’s Counselling Service (advice and support for male victims of domestic violence) Tel: 1800-816-588 / Web:

Garda Confidential Hotline (Tel.: 1800-666-111)