
Hillary Clinton attacked the “fearsome” Judge Alito for his Christian faith: “A fanatic”

In a recent interview, Hillary Clinton attacked Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for his Christian faith, calling the conservative judge “terrifying” and “a fanatic” because of his religious views.

The former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate made the remarks in April in a podcast interview with Democracy Docket’s Marc Elias. A clip from that discussion resurfaced on social media over the weekend.

“You know, I was in the Senate when both John Roberts and Alito were nominated to the court by George W. Bush, so I had the opportunity, as you rightly say, to interview both of them,” Clinton said.

“And I found John Roberts to be a conservative, corporate lawyer who had preconceived ideas about how things and people should work,” Clinton continued. “And I voted against him because I thought he was not only a candidate of the far right, the Federalist Society and their agenda, but his life experience was just too limited to really do that job.”

Alito, however, appears to be a “radical” because of his Christian faith, Clinton said.

“When I sat down to talk to Alito, he struck me almost immediately as a radical, a fanatic about his views on culture and the role of religion in our society and his religion, maybe not yours or mine, Marc, but his religion. And I found him frightening, and I expressed that in the Senate when I voted against him,” Clinton said.

“We prepared the judges who had been prepared and put into the pipeline for what they are doing now,” she added.

Roberts and Alito are both long-standing Catholics. Alito often votes with the Supreme Court’s conservative majority, while Roberts is considered a deciding vote in many cases.

Alito has made headlines several times in recent months.

Last month, two New York Times reports said that an upside-down American flag and an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which people reportedly carried during the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021, were flown at Alito’s homes.


Several Democratic senators subsequently called for Alito to recuse himself from cases related to the 2020 presidential election, but Alito refused.

Then last week, Alito was secretly recorded by a liberal activist posing as a religious conservative who told Alito she did not believe “we can negotiate with the left.”

“One side or the other is going to win,” Alito is reported to have replied, according to the recording, adding that while there may be “a possibility of peaceful coexistence,” there are “differences on fundamental issues where you really cannot compromise.”

Alito has been a particular target of the left in the two years since he authored the court’s opinion overturning the conviction. Roe v. Wade, the groundbreaking abortion case of 1973.