
Women with a sexually exploratory past are not damaged goods

Commentator and life coach Solomon Buchi on Monday sharply criticized the “alpha male” movement for its commercialization and dehumanization of women with a sexually exploratory past.

In a post on X on Monday evening, Buchi wrote: “Women with a sexually exploratory past are not ‘damaged goods’ as the alpha males keep touting. I represent conservative ideals regarding sexual freedom, but if a woman has lived a sexually carefree life and is now turning over a new leaf, she should never be ridiculed for it.”

He criticized the language often used to describe such women, stating: “The constant commercialization and dehumanization of women by the alpha male camp is infuriating. I recognize the biological reality of women, but women in their 30s with a sexually active past should never be referred to as leftovers. Such language is horribly inhumane.”

While Buchi acknowledged that promiscuity has consequences, she stressed that women should not be endlessly shamed for past actions.

“Of course, a former promiscuous woman should not feel like she is loved and married by men just because she has turned over a new leaf. Actions have consequences, but stop derisively defining women by the consequences of their actions.”

He was particularly outraged by those who made derogatory comments about women who turned to religion later in life or sought salvation, such as: “Women are like newspapers, they’re stale the next day? Shut up! Women are like flowers that bloom and die. Shut up!”

“Over the last few weeks, I’ve seen many men harassing over 30 women in their comments, reminding them that they’re as old as yesterday’s bread or shaming them for accepting Jesus. This is mostly perpetuated by these low-brow, spineless alpha fools,” he explained.

Buchi used the example of Jesus’ respectful treatment of the adulteress to counter such rhetoric. “When Jesus met the adulteress at the well, he did not remind her that she was left behind. I assume she was in her late 40s, had been married five times, and still had a sixth husband at home.”

The commentator lamented that some of those engaging in the shaming are Christians themselves. “It disgusts me when a female celebrity professes Christ and these alpha fools start shaming her for wasting her 20s and then turning to Jesus.”

“No woman has drifted too far into prostitution that God cannot rescue and redeem her. God does not stop redeeming women in their twenties… Just to remind you that female prostitution is no greater sin before God than male promiscuity,” he added.

The post has since garnered a number of mixed reactions from X users. While some agree with his sentiments, others hold an opposing view.