
“Evil” teaching assistant groomed ten-year-old boy and then sexually abused him

An “evil” teaching assistant sexually assaulted a ten-year-old boy and then abused him. Denise Povall, 61, has been in prison for eight years for a campaign of abuse.

Povall, from Ripon in North Yorkshire, groomed the boy, bought him gifts and sent him text messages before abusing him. North Yorkshire Police said she carried out a “nasty and sustained” campaign of sexual exploitation.

The offences occurred in the 2000s when she was working at a primary school in Harrogate, Yorkshire Live reports. Police claim Povall took “absolutely no responsibility” for her crimes, which the victim said had a profound impact on his life. He came forward as an adult.

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During police questioning, Povall reportedly denied any crimes. However, a case was brought against her and she was found guilty of charges including sexual assault, inciting sexual intercourse with a child, inciting sexual acts with a child and sexual assault by touching.

She was jailed at York Crown Court on Friday. After the hearing, Detective Constable Alison Morris, who led the investigation for North Yorkshire Police, said: “This has been a long and extensive investigation into some of the most serious crimes we face as crime officers.”

“What we have uncovered can only be described as vicious and sustained sexual abuse of a young child by a paedophile. Povall has accepted no responsibility for the harm she caused to her victim’s life, so I am pleased we have been able to help the victim find some closure.

“He was incredibly brave to speak out, especially given the common misconception that women do not commit such crimes. Because of the way pedophiles like Povall prepare, manipulate and control their victims, we know that child sexual abuse is underreported.

“That’s why I want anyone who believes they have been sexually abused – no matter how long ago it happened – to know that they can come forward. We have specially trained officers and work with organisations that provide excellent practical and emotional support.”