
Big investors are buying in Atlanta, Dallas, Charlotte and Houston

THE The American real estate market continues to evolve, with a growing presence of institutional investors in the single-family rental sector. As foreclosure rates have declined, these large-scale investors have adopted new strategies for acquiring properties. This trend is especially visible in the Sunbelt region, where cities like Atlanta, Dallas, Charlotte and Houston are seeing significant increases in investor-owned rentals. Is this good or bad for renters and home buyers? Let’s find out.

Major investors set their sights on Sunbelt Rentals

According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), institutional investors are defined as those who own 1,000 or more properties. As of June 2022, an estimated 32 investors met these criteria, collectively owning nearly 450,000 single-family homes nationwide. This represents approximately 3% of all rental properties in the United States. Although the overall numbers may seem small, their impact is concentrated in specific areas.

One of the main findings of the study is the geographic clustering of these investments. Institutional investors tend to favor high-growth regions with booming job markets and strong demand for rental housing. The Sunbelt, a term encompassing the southeast and south-central United States, fits this description perfectly.

Following the 2008 financial crisis, this region saw a sharp rise in foreclosures, leading to a pool of potentially undervalued properties. Additionally, the Sunbelt’s generally newer housing stock has provided investors with opportunities for price recovery.

AtlantaDallas, Charlotte and Houston have become the main targets of these investors. In 2022, these cities had some of the highest concentrations of investor-owned single-family home rentals. This trend can be attributed to several factors.

First, economies of scale come into play: by focusing on specific metropolitan areas, investors can streamline their operations and reduce costs associated with property management and maintenance. Second, a high concentration of rentals allows investors to achieve similar efficiencies as investments in multifamily housing.

The GAO study also highlights institutional investors’ preference for moderate- and high-income neighborhoods. However, the specific neighborhoods targeted may vary depending on the investor’s strategy.

For example, a study of the Atlanta rental market revealed contrasting approaches from different investors. One investor focused on neighborhoods with a high percentage of Asian and Hispanic residents, while another focused on areas with predominantly non-Hispanic black populations.

This trend highlights the complexity of the investor landscape. While certain real estate characteristics undoubtedly influence purchasing decisions, the choice of neighborhoods appears more nuanced and may differ depending on the specific objectives and investment strategies of the investor.

Impact on tenants, the market and homeownership

The growing presence of institutional investors in the Sunbelt single-family rental market presents a unique situation with potential advantages and disadvantages. Let’s analyze the impact on the different stakeholders.

Impact on tenants:

  • Increased competition: An increase in investor-owned rentals may lead to increased competition among tenants, which could drive up rental prices. This could be particularly difficult for low- and moderate-income renters who may find it increasingly difficult to find affordable housing options.
  • Standardized management: Institutional investors often manage their properties professionally, which can result in consistent and efficient maintenance services. Tenants can expect prompt repairs and a more professional approach to rental management.
  • Limited potential for choice: A large number of investor-owned properties can limit the variety of rental options available. Renters looking for unique or characterful homes could find themselves with fewer choices in a market dominated by standardized investment properties.

Impact on the housing market:

  • Potential for increasing stability: Institutional investors often hold onto their properties for long periods of time, contributing to the stability of the real estate market. This can be particularly beneficial in areas prone to volatile market fluctuations.
  • Impact on homeownership rates: An increase in investors can make it harder for aspiring homeowners to compete, especially when bidding against cash-secured investors. This could potentially lead to a decrease in the overall homeownership rate.
  • Revitalization potential: Investor activity can revitalize neighborhoods by renovating older properties and bringing vacant units back into the rental market. This can have a positive impact on the overall aesthetics and property values ​​of the area.

Considerations for Home Buyers:

  • Strategic auctions: Understanding the presence of investors in your target area is crucial. When competing with investors, it may be necessary to consider offering a higher price than asking or presenting a stronger financial profile.
  • Alternative financing options: Exploring programs like FHA loans or down payment assistance initiatives can help bridge the gap for aspiring homeowners facing stiff competition from cash buyers.
  • Focus on long-term ownership: If you plan to stay in the home for a longer period of time, purchasing a property could be a viable option despite the initial difficulties. Owning a home offers long-term benefits like building equity and potential appreciation in value.

The influx of institutional investors into the Sunbelt rental market is a complex issue with far-reaching implications. Understanding potential policy actions, emerging trends and making recommendations can help tenants, landlords and policymakers navigate this evolving landscape.

Policy measures:

  • Fair Housing Regulations: Ensuring compliance with fair housing regulations is essential to preventing discrimination against tenants based on race, ethnicity, or source of income.
  • Investor registration and transparency: Increased transparency regarding investor activity can help policymakers better understand market dynamics and formulate informed regulations.
  • Incentives for homeownership: Programs that support homeownership, such as down payment assistance or tax breaks for first-time buyers, can help level the playing field for aspiring homeowners competing with cash investors.

Emerging trends:

  • Technology and automation: The use of technology for property management, tenant screening and rent collection is likely to increase, which could impact the overall rental experience.
  • Focus on sustainability: As environmental concerns gain prominence, investors may turn to energy-efficient properties or developments with sustainable features.
  • Rise of Build-to-Rent Communities: The build-to-rent model, in which investors build communities specifically for rental, could become more prevalent, meeting the growing demand for high-quality rental housing.


For tenants:

  • Shop around and compare: Despite the increase in the number of investors, independent owners are still present in the market. Compare rental options carefully to find the best solution in terms of price, location and amenities.
  • Understanding rental contracts: Make sure you understand the terms of your rental agreement, including rent increases, maintenance policies and pet restrictions.
  • Maintain a positive rental history: Paying rent on time and keeping the property in good repair can strengthen your position as a tenant and potentially open the door to better rental opportunities in the future.

For home buyers:

  • Get pre-approved for a mortgage: Obtaining pre-approval demonstrates your financial preparedness to potential sellers and can give you an advantage over competing offers, especially those from investors.
  • Consider working with a buyer’s agent: A qualified buyer’s agent can provide valuable advice throughout the home buying process, helping you navigate the competitive market and land the best deal possible.
  • Stay informed: Staying informed about market trends and investor activity in your target area allows you to make informed decisions and adjust your strategies accordingly.

By understanding the complexities of the Sunbelt rental market and its evolving dynamics, renters and future owners can make informed choices.

Policymakers also have a role to play in ensuring fair housing practices and a healthy balance between investor activity and homeownership opportunities. As the Sunbelt rental market continues to transform, staying informed and adapting to these changes will be key to success for all stakeholders involved.


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