
Mourning for 12-year-old boy killed in hit-and-run in Coventry

A 12-year-old boy who died in a hit-and-run accident was quoted as saying in a tribute from his family: “So beautiful inside and out.”

Keaton Slater died when he was hit by a black BMW on Radford Road in Coventry shortly after 4.30pm on Friday, West Midlands Police said.

The teenager’s death was later confirmed at the crime scene.

Police seized an abandoned black BMW found in New Arley on Friday evening and are now trying to locate the driver.

In a eulogy released by police, the boy’s family said: “We will all miss our fun-loving little comedian. He wanted to make everyone laugh and smile.”

“He was so beautiful inside and out, our baby and little brother. Life can be so terrible.”

Sergeant Rich Evans, of the Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said: “A family have lost a 12-year-old boy in a horrific accident and our thoughts are with them.”

“We are offering them support during this terrible time and will keep them updated as we continue to search for those responsible.

“We would like to thank everyone who has already contacted us with information. Our investigation is progressing.

“But we again appeal to those involved or anyone who knows them to examine their conscience, do the right thing and tell us what they know.”

The BMW is being forensically examined.

A person who voluntarily reported to a police station on Saturday for questioning was released for investigation.