
Bikini bodybuilder recovers from gym accident injury and becomes champion

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Marcelle Mendes Mancuso recovered from a terrible accident in the gym to become NPC champion.

Every year there are many inspiring stories from the world of bodybuilding. Bikini bodybuilder Marcelle Mendes Mancuso is one of the best who went from a devastating injury in the gym to becoming a champion on stage.

In 2018, Mancuso slipped off a bar at the gym and fell to the ground. According to The Sun, she claimed she could no longer feel anything below her neck. She went for X-rays and they revealed that she had broken one vertebra and dislocated two others.

“It turned out that I had broken the fourth cervical vertebra, dislocated the fifth and sixth, and suffered spinal compression. From that moment on, I could no longer feel anything below my neck.”

Mancuso underwent successful surgery in which doctors implanted a titanium plate and six screws into her spine. Doctors told Mancuso she might never walk again, but the future bodybuilding champion had bigger plans.

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Marcelle Mendes Mancuso becomes NPC Champion

After the surgery, she found it difficult to perform the smallest movements, such as lifting her fingers. Over time, Mancuso underwent various rehabilitation measures and was able to start training in the gym again. At first, Mancuso started lifting weights, but a trainer advised her to think about bodybuilding.

“I thought the idea was a bit strange, but her training supported her and said he would be my trainer for free.”

Mancuso began competing at the NPC level in 2023. She finished second at the NPC Worldwide Portugal National Championships. Mancuso continued training with determination in 2024. She finished second again at the NPC Worldwide Mr. Big Evolution before achieving her first victory. This occurred at the 2024 edition of the Worldwide Portugal National Championships.

Marcelle Mendes Mancuso’s ultimate goal is to make it to the Olympic Arena and compete on the biggest stage in the world. She has already overcome a lot on her fitness journey and will work to achieve more goals.

“I think the dream of every athlete, whether professional or amateur, is to participate in the Olympics.

I am incredibly happy to have started preparing for the Olympics and will do everything I can to get in top physical shape and fight for the Pro Card.”

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