
Namaz helps Orissa High Court commute death sentence of child molester Sheikh Asif Ali

In an unprecedented and surely unforgettable judgment, the Orissa High Court has shown the world that devotion to religious practices, especially namaz, can indeed turn the tide in favor of even the most heinous criminals. The death sentence of Sheikh Asif Ali, who committed the unthinkable crime of raping and murdering a six-year-old girl, was commuted to life imprisonment. Why not? After all, he prayed nonstop.

Crime? What crime? It depends on the circumstances

On August 21, 2014, a horrific incident occurred in which a six-year-old girl was brutally raped and murdered. The details are as gruesome as they can get. The young victim was found naked and unconscious and later succumbed to her injuries. But hey, the Orissa High Court is right – it was not pre-planned. Just an unfortunate spur of the moment thing, you know? Circumstantial evidence, they say. How can anyone be too harsh in such capricious circumstances?

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The Arc of Redemption

The court was deeply moved by the fact that Asif Ali was a consistent prayer man. The path to salvation obviously lies through regular namaz. Who would have thought that divine devotion could tip the scales of justice? The bench, comprising Justice SK Sahoo and Justice RK Pattnaik, saw his “repentance” and “willingness to accept punishment” as signs of his potential for reform. Isn’t the real tragedy the punishment of a man who surrendered to God?

The divine influence on justice

The verdict further stressed the importance of not imposing a “disproportionate” sentence. The reasoning? Well, there is no solid evidence that Asif Ali is beyond reform. Of course, absence of evidence is not proof of absence of evidence. So let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, he managed to perform his religious duties in prison. What is a little rape and murder compared to the obligation to perform namaz several times a day?

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The story of a reformed rapist

In a move that left many shaking their heads in disbelief, the Orissa High Court recently ruled that praying a lot can make you a better person, even if you’ve been convicted of raping and murdering a six-year-old girl. Yes, you heard right. Sheikh Asif Ali, a man who committed one of the most gruesome crimes imaginable, will no longer face the death penalty because, well, he performed his namaz fairly consistently.

In June 2024, the Orissa High Court, in its infinite wisdom, ruled that the death sentence of Sheikh Asif Ali should be commuted to life imprisonment. Why? Because there was apparently a lack of “substantial evidence” that he was beyond reform and rehabilitation. Also, the crime was not planned in advance, but a kind of spontaneous malice. So that makes it less serious, right?

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The court further stated that the punishment should not be disproportionate because, you know, strangling a child to death after raping it is something that one can potentially rehabilitate oneself from, given enough time and prayers. Who would have thought that the compassion of the justice system could extend so far?

The magical effect of Namaz

The real kicker here is the court’s finding that Asif prayed several times a day. This display of religious devotion apparently signaled his willingness to accept his punishment and his potential for reform. It is heartwarming to know that regular namaz can work such wonders. Perhaps we should start recommending it as a therapy for all types of criminals!