
Dead Island 2: House DLC

You will find in Dead Island 2 House DLC, there are many secrets, hidden quests, and missions in general. Some of these quests are pretty straightforward; however, some can be a little tricky to understand. This is especially true when everyone has a different experience with them.

While The Invitation is a quick mission, it can also get confusing quickly. Luckily, there are some tips and tricks you can use during this mission to ensure you complete it without any issues.


Dead Island 2: House – Location of the Forget-me-not Key

Like all keys in Dead Island 2, finding the Forget-Me-Not Key in the House DLC can be quite difficult, but it’s not impossible.

How to start “The Invitation” in Dead Island 2’s House DLC

The character from Dead Island 2 has started the invitation mission.

Although it doesn’t take too long to complete the House DLC for Dead Island 2, there are a few missions you can complete. The Invitation will be your first main mission once you start the DLC. You will interact with the House Invitation at Emma’s villa in Bel-Air. This invitation should be somewhere near the hot tub, although some have reported it being on a table near the tennis court. Just follow the orange icon on your screen to find it.

After you wake up, explore the building ahead. Continue following your marker through the building until two double doors open. As you enter, you’ll notice some headless corpses sitting on chairs in a circle. Examine everything you can find in the room, including the heads, doors, statues, and ancient art.

Find the House Rites of Passage in Dead Island 2

The character from Dead Island 2 started the oven as part of the mission “The Invitation” in the House DLC.

Go back to the head on the ground in front of the corpse and interact with it. After talking to Vincent, go through the open door behind him. Defeat any enemies that pop out. Make sure to equip your strongest weapons, perhaps all the legendary weapons in Dead Island 2, because there will be many hikers in this search. Wait for the dialog to finish and then interact with the switch.

You will be tasked with finding the final rite of passage and enduring torment. You should enter the first house on the right. There you will have to take out many walkers, starting with the bathroom just as you go up the stairs. Go down the hall and take out the walkers from the room on your left. Going up to the attic at the end of the hall will start a dialogue that will take you to the next part of the mission.

Go down the stairs and into the closet on the left to access a walker and grab a red valve wheel. Return to the attic and place the wheel on the stove to light it. Go outside, turn right along the sidewalk and go to the next house on the left. Straight ahead is Stairs to the basement on your right.

Find the final rite of passage in Dead Island 2

The character from Dead Island 2 is about to electrocute himself in order to continue the mission

Now you have to suffer an electric shock in a pool of blood. You can do this by using some sort of electrical weapon, such as an electric star. Simply throw it into the blood and step inside. Some people have reported that you have to completely die and re-enter the house, then electrocute yourself again without dying to open the door. However, if you continuous healing during an electric shockyou can avoid death and the door will still open.

Once the door is open, go through the vent on the left and up the stairs through the next barred door. As you go up the stairs on the left, you will find that the door slams shut and is locked. After a few seconds, enemies will appear that you must eliminate.

If as you progress through the game you feel that your weapons are not enough, don’t forget to compare the new weapons in the House DLC with the ones you currently have.

When They have cleared the areathe door at the top of the stairs opens.

After going through the door at the top of the stairs, turn left and go through this door to find the stairs leading upstairs. At the end of the hallway you will find another attic door where now You will find a microphone. Listen to a recording. You will then be asked to make a confession. Follow the prompt on the microphone to reveal a secret.

You may need to
try it more than once

Once you have finished your confession, you must go down the stairs and out the front door. Go left along the sidewalk and run to the very last house directly in front of you. Another recording will begin as you go through the living room to your left and down the slope. You will come to another bloody pool, and the search will end.

Quest reward for completing “The Invitation”

The character from Dead Island 2 received XP rewards for completing the mission “The Invitation” in House.

Your reward for completing the invitation is 1250 XP and Veronique’s giftplayback should start automatically.


Dead Island 2

21 April 2023

Action RPG