Plano police received several calls Friday evening about a disturbance at a parking garage at the Legacy Village Apartments on Hansell Road.
Someone was reportedly heard yelling “put the gun down” and firing a shot, Plano police said.
A tow truck driver had hitched a car with papers to tow the vehicle. According to a Plano police report, the car’s owner and his son came to the lot where the car was parked and struck the tow truck driver three times in the head with a pole.
The driver pulled out a gun and fired a shot that lodged in a tire. No injuries were reported from the shooting. According to the report, it was the driver’s son who yelled to put the gun down.
According to Plano police, 19-year-old Michael Guevarra was arrested on a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and the tow truck driver was released.