
Air Quality Alert for Metro Detroit: What You Should Know

DETROIT – An air quality warning was in effect throughout the Detroit metropolitan area on Thursday as the region continued to be affected by a heat wave.

On Thursday, June 20, several counties in southeast Michigan were expected to have air pollutants that were “unhealthy for sensitive groups.”

Maximum temperatures are expected to be close to 30 degrees, but will feel even warmer due to humidity. Pollutants are expected to combine with the high temperatures to form “bad” ozone.

An air quality warning, also known as “Ozone Action Day,” has been issued for Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne counties. The air quality index, known as AQI, was expected to enter the “unhealthy for sensitive groups” range, which is between 101 and 150. An AQI above 300 is considered hazardous.

The air quality forecast for Metro Detroit is “unhealthy for sensitive groups” for June 20, 2024. (

In this area, most people are not affected by the poorer air quality.

However, people in “sensitive groups” – such as young children, older adults or people with asthma or other respiratory conditions – may be affected by breathing the air, especially for long periods of time. They are advised to reduce exposure to ozone by “chosing less strenuous activities” or spending less time outdoors.

The title “Ozone Action Day” is also intended to encourage people to avoid activities that can lead to ozone formation, including refueling vehicles, using gasoline-powered lawn equipment and using barbecue lighter fluid.

“At the Earth’s surface, ozone comes into direct contact with life forms and shows its destructive side (which is why it is often called ‘bad ozone’),” says a statement from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. “Because ozone reacts strongly with other molecules, high levels of ozone are toxic to living systems.”

Officials expect southeast Michigan to continue to suffer from ozone depletion for at least the next few days.

“With winds coming from the hot southwest at all altitudes in the atmosphere, air quality is sure to be an issue this week,” says, a federal platform created in collaboration with the EPA, CDC, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and others.

—> Heatwave hits Metro Detroit this week: What you need to know

What causes “bad” ozone?

“Bad” ozone is found near the ground. In cities, it is created when emissions from vehicles, power plants, chemical plants and other sources react with heat and sunlight. The hotter the day and the stronger the sun, the more ozone is formed. This is why ozone pollution is usually worst on windless, hot summer afternoons. High ozone levels are a problem for people especially from April 1 to September 30.

High concentrations of “bad” ozone are most likely to be found in urban areas. You might call it “smog.” But high ozone levels can also occur in other areas if winds carry the pollutants hundreds of miles from their original sources.

What effects does “bad” ozone have on humans?

Even at low concentrations, inhaling ozone can cause chest pain, coughing, and throat irritation. It can also worsen lung conditions such as emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma. The more ozone pollution a person inhales, the more permanent damage it can do to their lungs.

Because it usually forms in hot weather, anyone who spends time outdoors in the summer can be affected – children, the elderly, people who work outdoors, and people who exercise may be particularly susceptible. The higher the ozone level, the more people will experience health symptoms. Millions of Americans live in areas where ozone levels are higher than national health standards and should be aware of ozone levels during hot and sunny weather.

Safety in air quality warnings

Follow these simple tips to stay safe during an air quality warning:

  • Stay indoors if possible, especially if you have respiratory or other health problems or are elderly or a child.

  • If you must leave the house, limit the time you spend outside to absolutely necessary activities.

  • Minimize the use of items that increase pollution, such as cars, gas-powered lawn mowers, and other vehicles.

  • Do not burn garbage or other objects during an air quality warning.

  • Take the bus, carpool, work from home, ride a bike or walk to avoid traffic congestion and air pollution and save money.

  • If you want to grill, use an electric lighter or a charcoal lighter instead of a barbecue lighter. The fumes from the lighter contribute to the formation of ozone.

  • Avoid drive-thru stations or other situations where your vehicle sits idle for long periods of time. You’ll save on gas costs and reduce pollution.

Who is most at risk?

Some groups of people are particularly sensitive to ozone, especially when they are active outdoors. This is because ozone levels are higher outdoors and physical activity leads to faster and deeper breathing, which allows more ozone to enter the body.

  • People with lung diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema may be particularly sensitive to ozone and generally experience more severe health effects at lower concentrations. Ozone can worsen their illnesses and lead to increased medication use, doctor visits, emergency room visits and hospitalizations.

  • Children, including teenagers, are at higher risk from ozone pollution because they often play outdoors in warmer weather and higher ozone levels, are more likely to have asthma (which can be made worse by ozone exposure), and their lungs are still developing.

  • Older people may be more affected by ozone pollution because they are more likely to already have lung disease.

  • Active people of all ages who exercise or work outdoors are at increased risk.

  • Some healthy people are more sensitive to ozone. They may have health effects from lower levels of ozone than the average person, even if they do not have any of the risk factors listed above. This increased sensitivity may have a genetic basis.

In general, the higher the concentration of ground-level ozone, the more people suffer from more serious health consequences. At very high concentrations, everyone should be concerned about ozone pollution.

What are the health effects?

Ozone affects the lungs and respiratory system in many ways. It can:

  • Irritating to the respiratory tract, causing cough, sore throat, respiratory irritation, chest tightness, or chest pain when breathing deeply.

  • Reduces lung function, making it harder to breathe as deeply and forcefully as normal, especially when exercising. Breathing may feel uncomfortable and you may notice that your breathing is faster and shallower than normal.

The risk of exposure to harmful ground-level ozone is greatest in the warmer months. Children who often play outdoors in warmer weather are at higher risk.

  • Inflames and damages the cells that line the lungs. Within a few days, the damaged cells are replaced and the old cells are shed – similar to the way skin peels after a sunburn. Studies suggest that if this type of inflammation occurs repeatedly, lung tissue can become permanently scarred and lung function can be permanently impaired.

  • The lungs become more susceptible to infections. Ozone weakens the lungs’ defenses by damaging the cells that transport particles and bacteria out of the respiratory tract and by reducing the number and effectiveness of white blood cells in the lungs.

  • worsen asthma. When ozone levels are too high, more asthmatics will experience symptoms that require medical attention or medication. Ozone makes people more sensitive to allergens – the most common triggers of asthma attacks. Asthmatics may also be more affected by reduced lung function and inflammation of the airways. Asthmatics should ask their doctor for an asthma action plan and follow it closely when ozone levels are too high.

  • Worsening of other chronic lung diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis. As ground-level ozone concentrations increase, more people with lung disease are seeking medical attention or emergency room visits and being hospitalized.

  • Causes permanent lung damage. Repeated short-term ozone damage to the developing lungs of children can lead to reduced lung function in adulthood. In adults, ozone exposure can accelerate the natural decline in lung function that occurs with age.


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