
Citrus Heights father attacks suspected intruder

“He attacked my 14-year-old son from behind. He jumped on him, choked him to the ground and then went after my 11-year-old,” Bobby Tucker said.

CITRUS HEIGHTS, Calif. – A Citrus Heights father hospitalized the man who allegedly broke into his home and attacked his children Thursday night.

“He attacked my 14-year-old son from behind. He jumped on him, choked him to the ground and then went after my 11-year-old,” Bobby Tucker said.

Tucker said a stranger entered his home around 5:30 p.m. Thursday, screaming and growling, and attacked two of his children.

Tucker, who works as a security guard, said he was in the back of the house with his youngest son when he heard the commotion. He rushed out of the hallway and saw the man hitting his 11-year-old.

“My head was completely clear. I wasn’t thinking about anything except getting the guy away from my son. I admit I was unconscious for a while, I probably scared my kids too. I hit the guy, hit the guy and I could hear them saying someone should call 911,” Tucker said.

Citrus Heights police responded within five minutes and arrested the man. They say he will face charges.

“He was unconscious and unresponsive. Paramedics were trying to wake him up or get him to respond. He was just unconscious,” Tucker said.

Police have not yet released the man’s identity and cannot yet say whether he was under the influence of drugs or had mental health problems.

The father of four says his door was unlocked at the time because his children had just taken out the trash. He later posted photos of the man on social media.

One of the photos shows the man entering Tucker’s house, the other shows him being carried out on a stretcher.

β€œHe chose the wrong house to confront,” Tucker said.

Tucker says this should serve as a warning to other homeowners.

“Definitely get something to protect yourself at home, whether it’s a baton or a firearm. Make sure you have something to protect yourself. Keep your doors locked at all times, install an alarm system and definitely something with a camera on the outside,” Tucker said.

The father of four says his focus now is on helping his sons overcome the trauma of the attack.

“I try to give them at least a little therapy so they can talk about it and not be scared or afraid, because their own home is actually a place of refuge. Right now they feel like they are not safe anywhere,” Tucker said.

Police say Tucker did nothing wrong in his reaction. They say it is a resident’s right to protect himself and his family.

The suspected intruder will face charges of assault and burglary. The reason for the break-in is unclear.

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