
Members of the European Parliament are calling for the suspension of Georgia’s EU candidate status

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A group of 31 MEPs wrote a letter to Josep Borrell, the EU’s top diplomat, on May 7, calling for Georgia’s EU candidate status to be suspended.

The letter said that “the Georgian authorities’ ongoing undemocratic behavior, particularly their aggressiveness in enforcing a ‘Russian-style’ law on foreign agents, silence and use of force against peaceful protesters, has crossed the line.”

The foreign agents bill would require organizations that receive foreign funding to be designated as foreign agents, which would subject them to more stringent scrutiny. The law, whose third and final reading is scheduled for May 17, would likely stifle NGOs and civil society organizations, including those that monitor electoral integrity and government corruption.

It reflects repressive Russian laws targeting critics of the Kremlin regime and is popularly referred to in Georgia as “Russian law”.

The law was met with widespread opposition in the West, and EU officials have openly said its passage would harm Georgia’s chances of joining the bloc.

Attempts to pass the law have sparked Mass demonstrations every night in the country. In return, the police increased their repression by demonstrators with tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons.

The letter called on Borrell to “take a firm stance” that would “send a clear signal to the Georgian authorities.”

In addition to calling for the suspension of Georgia’s EU candidate status, which the country received in December 2023, the letter also called for a review of EU funding for the country and an “immediate assessment” of the status of the nine required reforms that Georgia is implementing should be part of the accession process.

“In recent years we have worked tirelessly to support the Georgian people and their aspirations to join the EU. We remain committed to doing this, but the democratic criteria for all EU candidate countries are the same and must be respected,” the letter concludes.

Polls have consistently shown that around 80% of Georgians support joining the EU.

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