
Fairfax County Police Department Releases Crime Report for Q1 2024

Fairfax County, VA – With the recent publication of the first quarter Crime report by the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), which ranks the nation’s 70 largest police departments in key crime categories, including murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault, we are proud to confirm that Fairfax County maintains its reputation as the safest county of its size. In MCCA’s evaluation of violent crime rates across all participating agencies, Fairfax County is considered an example of safety and security for its residents.

In coordination with the MCCA publication, the Fairfax County Police Department has Crime report for the first quarter of 2024. This report contains crime data for Fairfax County from January 1, 2024, through March 31, 2024. The report focuses on the crime categories most important to our communities (e.g., murder, burglary, sex offenses, theft, robbery, and auto theft), along with additional data on crashes, fatal vehicle crashes, fatal pedestrian crashes, and others. Rather than misleading percentages that lack context of overall crime in a jurisdiction, the actual raw crime counts are presented.

Key Highlights:

  • Road safety initiatives and fatal accidents

In early 2024, a multiple fatality traffic crash occurred in Fairfax County, increasing the total fatality count for the quarter. The FCPD has continued its successful monthly Traffic Safety Initiatives campaign and proactive high visibility enforcement programs to prevent reckless driving. Initiatives include the Street Shark Enforcement program, Road takeover Deterrence and enforcement measures, “Click It” or “Ticket” campaigns, “Move Over” enforcement and more.

  • Theft of motor vehicle parts

Theft of automotive parts is a focus for the FCPD, which uses data analytics to identify crime patterns and hot spots. Through effective strategies, including Awareness campaignsand cooperation with local automotive companies, the The number of thefts has dropped dramatically from 318 in 2023 to 137 in 2024.

  • Firearms and significant risk emergency orders (ESROs)

The new Threat Assessment Management (TAM) Department, has played a critical role in conducting ESROs and seizing firearms, along with the ESRO Supervisor. The department has initiated a significant number of ESROs, 29% of which involved domestic violence and 55% of which involved individuals in mental health crises. The FCPD’s efforts to address significant risks have resulted in the seizure of 304 firearms in the first three months of 2024.

The FCPD, with the DWI Enforcement Squadhas shown a significant number of arrests, particularly for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Through our coordinated enforcement efforts, the FCPD has 359 people arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol of drugs or alcohol.

  • Traffic violations and dangerous driving

The FCPD is vigilant in combating dangerous driving behavior and has over 16,000 summons in 2024. These include violations such as speeding, reckless driving, failure to pay attention, hands-free violations, and more.

The majority of assaults reported in Fairfax County are classified as simple assault and are often domestic in nature or involve parties known to each other. In 2024, 101 officers were assaulted, compared to 125 officers during the same period in 2023. Since March 2024, the FCPD has worked hard to combat this problem by over 8,800 criminal charges against over 5,400 persons responsible for crimes in Fairfax County.

Despite a statewide increase in auto thefts, Fairfax County has managed to keep the number of auto thefts relatively constant. Auto thefts decreased in March 2024, and the Auto Crimes Enforcement (ACE) team continues to play a critical role in apprehending auto thieves. The FCPD is a leading agency in Strategies to combat car theft in the National Capital Region this year.

In response to the nationwide increase in organized retail crime since 2021, the Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD) has focused its efforts on combating these crimes with encouraging results. Our Tysons Urban Team, Shopping Center Units and Crime Prevention Teams have already launched engagement and education programs with businesses this year and have proactively combatted many of these crimes.

Despite a nationwide increase in car thefts Fairfax County has successfully reduced the number of car thefts in 2024thanks to FCPD’s effective strategies, including increased citizen engagement, targeted patrols, and strategic communications. As of March 2024, auto theft cases have decreased compared to the same period in 2023.

The overarching theme of this report is clear: We remain the safest large county in America. The FCPD’s data-driven enforcement strategies have contributed to lower violent crime rates and underscore the department’s commitment to ensuring the well-being of its residents. The FCPD remains committed to developing and evolving crime prevention and control strategies to ensure the safety of Fairfax County residents, workers and visitors.

For more information on our crime trends and ongoing