
Pro-business group withdraws support over lawmaker’s testimony in favor of rapist

A libertarian, pro-business group on Friday withdrew its support for a Wyoming state lawmaker who represents several of its values ​​because he spoke out in support of a convicted rapist. at a verdict on Thursday.

Republican Rep. Landon Brown of Cheyenne spoke in a personal capacity when he testified at the sentencing for Gabriel Testerman, a former Wyoming Highway Patrol trooper who was convicted this year of first-degree sexual assault.

Brown, who told Cowboy State Daily he has long considered Testerman a friend, told the court Thursday that Testerman would have been a good candidate for probation. He said he has watched Testerman grow during the two years of prosecution and maintain his innocence.

This statement prompted the libertarian, pro-business group Americans for Prosperity to withdraw its support for Brown, which it had announced earlier this week.

“Representative Brown’s testimony in this case has raised serious concerns and we are immediately withdrawing our endorsement,” Tyler Lindholm, Wyoming director of Americans for Prosperity, said Friday in an email to Cowboy State Daily in response to a request for comment, as the endorsement announcement was no longer accessible via a link on Brown’s official Facebook page.

An apology

Brown said he was not alarmed by the support, but he publicly apologized for his statement in Testerman’s favor, citing his last 24 hours of reflection, his keen awareness of the pain some have endured in this case and his support for the justice system.

“I honestly don’t care about the endorsement. If AFP wants to withdraw their endorsement, that’s their decision,” he said. “Frankly, regardless of the endorsement, if the voters of (House District 9, Cheyenne) decide I’ll continue to do the same job.”

In the 24 hours since Testerman’s verdict was announced, Brown has realized that it was “not in the best interest of justice” to seek a lenient sentence for the defendant, he said.

“I spoke on behalf of a man I knew, not the man who made the decisions that caused the pain and anguish the victims endured,” Brown said. “After looking at this from a distance, I realize that my statement hurt even more people in the process and some have even called for me to step down from my public position.”

Brown said Testerman’s actions were “something he witnessed and had to pay the price for.”

He continued: “As I said yesterday, I fully support the verdict and believe that justice has prevailed.”

He apologized to Testerman’s victim and said he was deeply sorry for suggesting the lenient sentence.

“I recognize your pain, anguish and distress over the past two years,” Brown said. “If I forget yesterday, I don’t see how what I did would have done any good to anyone, and I have had the opportunity to reflect on my decision and sincerely apologize for it.”

On Thursday

Testerman’s case relied heavily on the testimony of two alleged rape victims. The jury acquitted Testerman on two counts of first-degree sexual assault involving one of the women, but found him guilty on a third count involving the other woman.

Testerman spoke to his victim during his own sentencing hearing.

“I pray that you find the peace you have sought for so long,” he told her, speaking on his own behalf. He then urged the judge to allow him to return to his community and be near his children as soon as possible.

Laramie County District Judge Robin Cooley could have imposed a sentence of between five and 50 years in prison or probation.

She sentenced Testerman to 10 to 15 years in prison, saying he had shown an understanding that his “badge” could give him advantages that others did not have and that he had abused the trust society had placed in him as a law enforcement officer.

Claire McFarland can be reached at [email protected].