
MAGA attacks on Trump’s ruling are unfounded – Santa Cruz Sentinel

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Have you ever served on a jury? Have you otherwise participated in or even watched a jury trial? If so, you know that MAGA’s attacks on Trump’s convictions, claiming the convictions were political in nature and part of a partisan attack on Trump, are baseless and silly. The lawyers for both sides agree on the jury. The lawyers for both sides present witnesses and make their arguments to the jury. The jury then discusses the evidence and arguments, alone and without interference or guidance from the lawyers or the judge, and reaches a verdict, in this case unanimous. So even if you believe the case was brought by the prosecutor because he is a Democrat and that the judge was biased against Trump, that has no bearing on the verdict. The jury — which Trump’s lawyers agreed on — not the prosecutor or the judge, decided the case.

— Peter Gelblum, Boulder Creek

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