
Two bankers leave the company after their behavior toward a cleaning company is investigated

  • Two Stifel employees have left the company after their conduct was investigated.

  • They worked in London for the St. Louis-based investment bank.

  • Stifel told the Times of London it had “investigated and taken appropriate action.”

Two Stifel employees have left the investment bank after an investigation into their behavior toward a cleaning company.

The Times of London first reported the story, which involved workers at the US Bank’s offices in the City of London, near St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Stifel launched an investigation following allegations of inappropriate relationships between employees and a “member of the outside cleaning company,” a Stifel representative told Bloomberg.

One employee resigned after the investigation found misconduct, while the other left the company and is now in a “legal dispute” with the company, The Times reported.

A Stifel representative told The Times: “This matter involving two employees came to light several months ago. We have investigated and taken appropriate action. Both people are no longer with the company.”

Stifel did not respond to Business Insider’s requests for comment.

Like many companies, the bank has a code of conduct for its employees.

Its Code of Business Conduct and Ethics states: “Stifel expects all employees to act with integrity in their dealings with customers, other employees, third parties or any other person with whom they come into contact as part of their association.”

The company employs about 600 people in London after acquiring another company a decade ago.

Some financial firms in London have been accused of misconduct and misogyny.

The #MeToo movement has reportedly led to societal change regarding sexism in the UK financial sector.

However, MPs on the Treasury select committee were told earlier this year that some women believed sexist behavior had now become “more devious and damaging”.

MPs heard that while initiatives to improve diversity and inclusion in the financial services sector were welcome, they were “often purely symbolic” or “ticking a box” and lacked the necessary “teeth” to deliver real change.”

Read the original article on Business Insider