
Chain offers compensation after towing incident disrupts Tulsa Farmers’ Market

A company that towed dozens of cars from its parking lot is now compensating affected farmers market customers.

Last Saturday, customers at the Tulsa Farmers’ Market parked at MyEyeDr. in Kendall Whittier, mistakenly thinking it was closed on Saturdays as usual.

MyEyeDr. requested tow trucks to clear the parking lot for patients. Thirty vehicles were called, but the exact number of vehicles towed is unclear.

In a statement, MyEyeDr. says they will offer compensation to those whose vehicles were towed. “We are aware of the difficulties this may have caused and will compensate those whose cars were towed. We ask people to contact us at the following address: [email protected] with their receipts.”

Kris Rossun, executive director of the Tulsa Farmers’ Market, says that although the towing was legal because the property was private property, Tulsa Farmers’ Market officials and MyEyeDr. came to an agreement to resolve the issue.

“After the leadership digested what happened, they realized it was not worth the cost to the community,” Rossun said.

Rossun added that the farmers market has sent out information asking customers to park elsewhere.