
Make Art @ Silo City presents Tami Fuller’s textile art workshops

Throughout the summer, second-generation fiber artist, curator and educator Tami Fuller will host a series of fiber art workshops at Silo City, part of the site’s new mission to offer cultural retreats and workshops to the public.

Fuller’s next two fiber art workshops are based on petal pigmentsusing the traditional method of flower hammering. One class is for anyone interested in framed art, while the other is for those interested in learning more about wearable art. Both workshops incorporate organic materials from the Silo City lands, as they are ideally suited for dyeing and decorating, with their natural pigments and organic materials.

Fuller also offers a third “wild weaving” workshop that introduces people to the fundamentals of wild weaving. weaving in nature Silo City Park is a magical place, filled with all kinds of natural inspirations. Artistic resources abound and are as limitless as imagination.

Silo City has always presented itself as an arts center that encourages people to integrate the grounds and buildings with their passions, whether that’s producing experimental music, avant-garde theater, or textile art workshops.

More information and links to register can be found at